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  1. T

    Not being nosy, but I have a 'traditions' question for you.

    Thank you, Leaning H, Big Muddy, and Faster for the ideas. Spent some time today talking about it again, even brought it up to an older class and had a few really neat ones. I guess time marches on---although, like all three of you, have a spent a good part of my day thinking back on my...
  2. T

    Not being nosy, but I have a 'traditions' question for you.

    Was discussing a story with the kids today, and talking about traditions around the holidays, specifically Christmas (since it seems to be easier for them to think about right now!), and I was slightly amazed by the lack of traditions being carried down today. I am not judging, mind you, I was...
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    Sending condolences, Soap and family---May your memories brng smiles and his teachings live on through each of you as God's greatest gifts.
  4. T

    I still a kid I want to go watch

    My oldest son loved Hank the Cowdog! We have all the books, and I have another beginning reader who is getting ready to read those books. Great writer for kids---and adults!
  5. T

    Could use some thoughts or prayers.

    Sending thoughts and prayers to your family. May the days ahead bring peace and comfort.
  6. T

    Agriculture Universities and/or Colleges?

    You're ahead of the curve, ACS, and I hope you find a school that will meet your needs. I know that education today is costly, but it seems to me you have a pretty good plan in mind. Make sure your on-line school is accredited, so you have no problems with transferring credits. Good Luck!
  7. T

    Beef Magazine

    She was a speaker for our Annie's Project this spring. She is a multi-talented young lady, who is very savvy when it comes to educating the public and being a spokesperson for the beef producers. She has what it takes to stay calm and cool with many of the nutjobs that would like to see our...
  8. T

    What would you do?

    Sweetbasil, Sorry for misunderstanding what your double standard was referring to, but the hyperlink was about the Dream Act, not international students. I understand what you are saying; yet, I still do not see the double standard, but that could be because my understanding of the testing is...
  9. T

    What would you do?

    This might put us into the waters of Political Bull, but I am going to say that I am not sure I see a double standard in this situation. The "illegal" high school students are here illegally; whereas, the international students are here on qualified visas. Back when I went to college, it...
  10. T

    Need Help Proofreading An Essay

    Now, bear in mind that this is my correcting, and you have to go with the requirements of your teacher. Overall, I think this could be quite an essay! Hope the highlights come through or this will look like a mess to you--they didn't, sorry, hope you can muddle through it! The Canadian Long...
  11. T

    Wedding Pictures...or Name the Groom

    Congratulations to the Happy Couple! Love the pictures---you have a beautiful, talented daughter, and I think you have gained a wonderful "son." It is so fun to see that love and hope in the faces of a young couple! (BTW, I am going to try the okra again this summer!)
  12. T

    New Blog Posts

    Well, Howdy1, I have read quite a few of your posts, since you have been posting here for quite awhile! But it wasn't until you put up the link to the blog that I knew that I knew you and your husband very well!!!! :D I enjoy reading what is going on back home, and I will follow along when...
  13. T

    Another Mother's Day song...

    For my momma... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXaLkl3Q8Ew
  14. T

    Dementia Test!!

    Our Yearly Dementia Test It's that time of year for us to take our annual senior citizen test. Exercise of the brain is as important as exercise of the muscles. As we grow older, it's important to keep mentally alert. If you don't use it, you lose it! Below is a very private way to gauge how...
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    Wish this guy could get his big break!

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    Color Test

    Well, I was hoping to hide my embarrassment :lol: I got it on the second try------didn't read the directions the first time and got a whopping 13%, not good for the teacher's ego!! :shock: :)
  17. T

    Color Test

    This will wake you up!! Harder than you think. See how many times it takes you to get 100%. These are the things we're supposed to do to remove the cholesterol around our brain and try to slow up Alzheimer's Disease. A great test, do it until you get 100%! It takes an average of 5 tries...
  18. T

    Nice write-up on a gentleman

    Guess I haven't read that debacle---not sure that I will, since I have known Bob and Cindy since I was in high school. Some things might be better left alone, then.
  19. T

    Nice write-up on a gentleman

    Don't know how many are familiar with Bob and Cindy---I always find the write ups about people from home comforting. Plus, I know there are a few on here who feed with horses--an art alive and well on the Dennis ranch...
  20. T

    What in the world---when did this happen?

    Just took a break (not that I work all that hard!) and turned the tv to CMT Pure (thought I might hear some good C&W) and sure enough Martina did come on, but before her, there was a HSUS commercial :???: :evil: I realize that I don't watch near enough tv to know where they are running their...