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1st day of Leachman animal abuse trial

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Feb 11, 2005
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NE WY at the foot of the Big Horn mountains
44 minutes ago • By Jan Falstad

Billings cattle and horse breeder James Leachman "turned a blind eye to these abandoned and suffering horses," said Yellowstone Deputy County Attorney Ingrid Rosenquist during opening arguments Tuesday during Leachman's trial on misdemeanor animal abuse charges.

As a result of plastic leg bands that Leachman or his help placed on a majority of about 800 horses ranging 16 miles east of Billings on the Crow Reservation, five horses died or were euthanized, Rosenquist said. The leg bands, designed for dairy cattle, not horses, were left on their front legs until some were crippled and couldn't walk.

An owner has a duty to his livestock, she said.

"If they're hurt, you get them help. It you can't get help, you put them down," she said.

In January 2011, the Yellowstone County Attorney's office charged Leachman with five main counts of misdemeanor animal cruelty and five alternative counts.

In his opening remarks, public defender Clark Mathews said that after 40 years of raising large herds of cattle and then registered American Quarter Horses, Leachman went bankrupt in 2010. He lost his Home Place ranch 16 miles east of Billings to foreclosure and the neighboring Stovall family bought the ranch.

Leachman continued to graze his horses on the ranch during the year he had to raise the money to redeem his property, which didn't occur. During the winter of 2010-2011, ranch manager Turk Stovall started reporting problems that he was seeing with horses suffering from tight leg bands and inadequate food and water to the Department of Livestock, the Yellowstone County Sheriff's Office and the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Mathews said his client started using the leg bands in 2006 so he could positively identify the horses until they were old enough to brand.

He said Stovall and his hired hands kept moving Leachman's horses around the 40,000-acre ranch, which meant finding them to check on their condition was difficult, and winter snows made access tougher.

Then the BIA announced it was seizing the horses for trespassing on tribal lands, Mathews said.

"He's being told he's not supposed to be there and told the BIA is confiscating his horses," he said.

In March, about 800 Leachman horses were rounded up by Crow tribal members and sold at a BIA sale during the first two days of April 2011.

After opening remarks, Chief Deputy County Attorney Rod Souza called his first of nine prosecution witnesses, Yellowstone County Sheriff Lt. Kent O'Donnell, who shot some of the Leachman horses that couldn't walk properly. Graphic photographs of swollen legs, deformed hooves and exposed limbs where the plastic bands had cut into flesh were introduced as evidence.

The defense has listed 11 potential witnesses for Leachman.

The trial before Yellowstone County Justice of the Peace Larry Herman is expected to last all week.

Read more: http://billingsgazette.com/news/local/st-day-of-leachman-trial-features-photos-of-crippled-horses/article_6a88f9ae-b66e-5c67-9b7e-9e040c98471c.html#ixzz2DSWlzb1q
Billings cattle and horse breeder James Leachman "turned a blind eye to these abandoned and suffering horses," said Yellowstone Deputy County Attorney Ingrid Rosenquist during opening arguments Tuesday during Leachman's trial on misdemeanor animal abuse charges.

AMEN- another example of a (supposed ) rich old bast*rd that decided he was powerful enough to run livestock anywhere- even where he had no leases anymore- not care for them- mistreat them and let their legs fall of or whatever.... :( :mad: NO wonder PETA and the HSUS are down big ranchings throats ....The Leachmans of the world make their case... :( :( :mad:
And I have to agree with them- if you can't care for them- you shouldn't own them....

Before that he screwed over many good cattle raisers that got sucked in by him as cooperators-- and then left holding the bills-- along with many MT farm and ranch suppliers that were left with nothing because they trusted this man-- that used to fly around in helicopters to put himself out as King Sh*t and import in escort women for his functions :roll: And acted like he couldn't understand why his wife left him and took half and why he went broke .... :roll:

But I see someone is back financing and promoting Leachman as the name in cattle raising... :( :mad: Sad that all it takes is $ financing promotion- and stirring a commotion of emotion to sell a lot of suckers bulls...
Oldtimer said:
Billings cattle and horse breeder James Leachman "turned a blind eye to these abandoned and suffering horses," said Yellowstone Deputy County Attorney Ingrid Rosenquist during opening arguments Tuesday during Leachman's trial on misdemeanor animal abuse charges.

AMEN- another example of a (supposed ) rich old bast*rd that decided he was powerful enough to run livestock anywhere- even where he had no leases anymore- not care for them- mistreat them and let their legs fall of or whatever.... :( :mad: NO wonder PETA and the HSUS are down big ranchings throats ....The Leachmans of the world make their case... :( :( :mad:
And I have to agree with them- if you can't care for them- you shouldn't own them....

Before that he (and the sons) screwed over many good cattle raisers that got sucked in by him as cooperators-- and then left holding the bills-- along with many MT farm and ranch suppliers that were left with nothing because they trusted this man-- that used to fly around in helicopters to put himself out as King Sh*t and import in escort women for his functions :roll: And acted like he couldn't understand why his wife left him and took half and why he went broke .... :roll:

But I see someone is back financing and promoting Leachman as the name in cattle raising... :( :mad: Sad that all it takes is $ financing promotion- and stirring a commotion of emotion to sell a lot of suckers bulls...

OT I seldom write to you or about you - but I had to respond to this one because of who I met today.

Let some horses suffer and die and you call the owner a quote - rich old bast*rd - end quote.

Someone lets a few good men - met the relative of one today by accident - die in Libya and you love him.

Well done OT - you do your country proud.

Broke Cowboy said:
Oldtimer said:
Billings cattle and horse breeder James Leachman "turned a blind eye to these abandoned and suffering horses," said Yellowstone Deputy County Attorney Ingrid Rosenquist during opening arguments Tuesday during Leachman's trial on misdemeanor animal abuse charges.

AMEN- another example of a (supposed ) rich old bast*rd that decided he was powerful enough to run livestock anywhere- even where he had no leases anymore- not care for them- mistreat them and let their legs fall of or whatever.... :( :mad: NO wonder PETA and the HSUS are down big ranchings throats ....The Leachmans of the world make their case... :( :( :mad:
And I have to agree with them- if you can't care for them- you shouldn't own them....

Before that he (and the sons) screwed over many good cattle raisers that got sucked in by him as cooperators-- and then left holding the bills-- along with many MT farm and ranch suppliers that were left with nothing because they trusted this man-- that used to fly around in helicopters to put himself out as King Sh*t and import in escort women for his functions :roll: And acted like he couldn't understand why his wife left him and took half and why he went broke .... :roll:

But I see someone is back financing and promoting Leachman as the name in cattle raising... :( :mad: Sad that all it takes is $ financing promotion- and stirring a commotion of emotion to sell a lot of suckers bulls...

OT I seldom write to you or about you - but I had to respond to this one because of who I met today.

Let some horses suffer and die and you call the owner a quote - rich old bast*rd - end quote.

Someone lets a few good men - met the relative of one today by accident - die in Libya and you love him.

Well done OT - you do your country proud.


Well- I'm not playing politics with you BC-especially the politics of the Crow Rez-- but if you lived in Montana- and were part of the hundreds/(thousands) left thru out the state holding unpaid bills by the Leachman outfit-- or some of the cooperaters in their sales (some of which were friends) that were never paid for the cattle Leachman sold as his own-- while they flew around to all the promotional events in a helicopter and brought in booze, beefsteaks and women to these events to look like King Sh*t- you might realize why I DO NOT RESPECT THAT TYPE OF FOLKS......Especially when they arrogantly think they can trespass 800 head of horses on land they no longer own/control- and don't think they have any responsibility to care for them....

Good folks don't treat livestock that way... And folks like Leachman is what gives the HSUS and PETA folks more standing in this country,,
Good for you........Broke Cowboy........for bringing perspective to this issue.
The Billings Gazette

2 minutes ago.

Breaking news: James Leachman is convicted of all five counts in his animal abuse trial. Watch billingsgazette.com for details.
Jury finds Leachman guilty on 5 counts

After the longest trial in Yellowstone County Justice Court history, a jury found Billings livestock breeder James Leachman guilty on Tuesday evening on all five counts of abusing his horses.

On January 2011, the county attorney's office charged Leachman with five misdemeanor criminal counts of animal neglect.

The six-person jury deliberated for three hours after a trial that lasted seven days, instead of the usual one or two days.

During closing arguments, Yellowstone County Deputy Chief Attorney Rod Souza said at least five of Leachman's 800 horses pastured on a ranch east of Billings suffered from leg bands used for identification that were too tight or from other leg injuries that were never treated.

"It's not days. It's not weeks. It's months. And, it's that amount of time that brings out the negligence," Souza said.

Leachman has blamed everyone else for not taking care of his horses, Souza said, but that was Leachman's duty.

Four of the five horses cited in this case died or were humanely shot because of these bands, Souza said.

"Even after charges were filed, he still never cared for his horses," said Deputy Assistant Attorney Ingrid Rosenquist.

In Leachman's defense, Deputy Public Defender Roberta Drew said the horses got injured some other way, not from the leg bands.

When the bands were removed from 300 horses wearing them on both front legs, there were minimal problems, she said.

"Two horses had some injury to their legs out of 600 bands," Drew said in her closing arguments.

The bands were removed after Leachman's horses were seized for trespassing on Crow tribal land and sold at a Bureau of Indian Affairs auction in April 2011.

At the end of his trial, Leachman testified in his own defense that he never had problems with the bands and would use them again. Contradicting a half-dozen prosecution witnesses, Leachman said no one told him about problems or showed him any injured horses.

"In Montana, if you see someone else's livestock injured, you let that person know," Drew said.

Souza said his neighbors stopped talking to Leachman because he is an "abusive and litigious" man. Other people saw the injuries, why couldn't Leachman? he asked.

No one else uses unbreakable leg bands designed for dairy cattle on horses, Souza said.

"They're inherently dangerous. You can't turn the horses out into the wilderness and never check them," he said.

These five misdemeanor charges are "stacked," meaning they collectively carry the same sentence as a single felony charge. Leachman faces a maximum penalty of five years in jail and a $5,000 fine.

Justice of the Peace Larry Herman scheduled sentencing for 3 p.m. Dec. 12.

Leachman, who left the courtroom without comment, could appeal the verdict to District Court.

Read more: http://billingsgazette.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/jury-finds-leachman-guilty-on-counts/article_64435bbd-236a-5d51-a490-351f52e1e7f5.html#ixzz2E9EKuLTF

Justice prevails-- but because of this characters actions- ranchers and horse owners across the country lose...The big winners in the long run will be HSUS and PETA with all the ammo they get from this ... :(
Imagine if Obama would'nt have spearheaded a horse slaughter ban horses may have been worth something and this whole fiasco could have been avoided.just sayin
Denny said:
Imagine if Obama would'nt have spearheaded a horse slaughter ban horses may have been worth something and this whole fiasco could have been avoided.just sayin

Not sure if a horse slaughter ban had much to do with why these horses were where they were- or were being mistreated.... From what I heard and what Northern Rancher communicated on here- many of these were some of the top bred horses around (the reasons they were "banded" so they could identify sire groups and breeding)....
I think the County Attorney's description of Leachman may better explain the reasoning behind it....

But since you seem to want to make everything political-- just to be Fair and Balanced- besides Obama- I seem to remember some high powered Repubs supporting the horse slaughter ban too... One was even a Tea Party favorite for President this year.... :wink:

Oldtimer said:
Denny said:
Imagine if Obama would'nt have spearheaded a horse slaughter ban horses may have been worth something and this whole fiasco could have been avoided.just sayin

Not sure if a horse slaughter ban had much to do with why these horses were where they were- or were being mistreated.... From what I heard and what Northern Rancher communicated on here- many of these were some of the top bred horses around (the reasons they were "banded" so they could identify sire groups and breeding)....
I think the County Attorney's description of Leachman may better explain the reasoning behind it....

But since you seem to want to make everything political-- just to be Fair and Balanced- besides Obama- I seem to remember some high powered Repubs supporting the horse slaughter ban too... One was even a Tea Party favorite for President this year.... :wink:


It would be easier to name the politicians who were NOT for the slaughter ban.
Most all of them were for it, just like Willie Nelson and
Bo Derek. They thought it was a 'noble cause.' It wasn't.

Since you mentioned 'Fair and Balanced', OT, I remember
Northern Rancher (and others who were there) saying most of the horses
were in good shape. Not that I'm standing up for Leachman, I'm not.
I always said he was the King of BS. Those horses
had wintered in that country many years. They knew where to be and
they weren't being fed hay, so water wasn't that critical. I didn't like
what happened to the horses either, but I also know how the media can
beat a person when they are down. In these instances there is
a lot of gray area, not just black and white. You can read the paper and/or
you can listen to those who actually saw the horses and helped gather
them. I'm against animal cruelty in any form, but I think this got
sensationalized somewhat.

I was glad when they started feeding the horses, but then I worried about
water, because you can't feed a horse hay without water or they will

Hopefully, it's over and done with. Leachman was found guilty. Now he has to pay the price for his actions.
I'll bet he appeals. That is if he has any money to do so.
He's appealed everything else, hasn't he?
I don't agree with animal abuse of any sort, and if their was, then the proper action needs taken. With that being said, OT made the following comment that has been bugging me for a few days, he said the following "that used to fly around in helicopters to put himself out as King Sh*t and import in escort women for his functions" I have known this family for a lot of years now. I have not once seen this nor heard someone talk about helicopters or escorts at their functions. I don't believe that is true. Maybe it is, but I don't think so.
BRG said:
I don't agree with animal abuse of any sort, and if their was, then the proper action needs taken. With that being said, OT made the following comment that has been bugging me for a few days, he said the following "that used to fly around in helicopters to put himself out as King Sh*t and import in escort women for his functions" I have known this family for a lot of years now. I have not once seen this nor heard someone talk about helicopters or escorts at their functions. I don't believe that is true. Maybe it is, but I don't think so.

Well some of it I saw personally- others the stories are pretty rampant...

If you think Jim Leachman is the image the ranching/livestock industry should be trying to portray to the public- I think we are really in trouble...
Oldtimer said:
BRG said:
I don't agree with animal abuse of any sort, and if their was, then the proper action needs taken. With that being said, OT made the following comment that has been bugging me for a few days, he said the following "that used to fly around in helicopters to put himself out as King Sh*t and import in escort women for his functions" I have known this family for a lot of years now. I have not once seen this nor heard someone talk about helicopters or escorts at their functions. I don't believe that is true. Maybe it is, but I don't think so.

Well some of it I saw personally- others the stories are pretty rampant...

If you think Jim Leachman is the image the ranching/livestock industry should be trying to portray to the public- I think we are really in trouble...

The question is whether you are lying or not. With your history you probably are.

Prove your accusations.......................................
Oldtimer said:
But since you seem to want to make everything political-- just to be Fair and Balanced- besides Obama- I seem to remember some high powered Repubs supporting the horse slaughter ban too... One was even a Tea Party favorite for President this year.... :wink:


Ron Paul supported the horse slaughter ban?
Oldtimer said:
BRG said:
I don't agree with animal abuse of any sort, and if their was, then the proper action needs taken. With that being said, OT made the following comment that has been bugging me for a few days, he said the following "that used to fly around in helicopters to put himself out as King Sh*t and import in escort women for his functions" I have known this family for a lot of years now. I have not once seen this nor heard someone talk about helicopters or escorts at their functions. I don't believe that is true. Maybe it is, but I don't think so.

Well some of it I saw personally- others the stories are pretty rampant...

If you think Jim Leachman is the image the ranching/livestock industry should be trying to portray to the public- I think we are really in trouble...

Come on OT, you know better than that, I never said he is the image we should be trying to portray, and you know it! I just stated what I know to be true.

On another note, their family did promote my breed and did it well in the day when Red Angus wasn't popular. They played a big role in getting it where it is today by promotion, and I thank them for it.
BRG said:
Oldtimer said:
BRG said:
I don't agree with animal abuse of any sort, and if their was, then the proper action needs taken. With that being said, OT made the following comment that has been bugging me for a few days, he said the following "that used to fly around in helicopters to put himself out as King Sh*t and import in escort women for his functions" I have known this family for a lot of years now. I have not once seen this nor heard someone talk about helicopters or escorts at their functions. I don't believe that is true. Maybe it is, but I don't think so.

Well some of it I saw personally- others the stories are pretty rampant...

If you think Jim Leachman is the image the ranching/livestock industry should be trying to portray to the public- I think we are really in trouble...

Come on OT, you know better than that, I never said he is the image we should be trying to portray, and you know it! I just stated what I know to be true.

On another note, their family did promote my breed and did it well in the day when Red Angus wasn't popular. They played a big role in getting it where it is today by promotion, and I thank them for it.

We've had this discussion of Jim Leachman before on this site in years past and some of the others-- and the general consensus was you either loved him or hated him- depending upon your connections and contact... And there are very few folks that knew him that don't have a strong opinion....

You said it- he was a promoter- a showman...I wouldn't even give him the honor of calling him a cattleman... He was the PT Barnum of BS (bull selling)...

But his actions (good or bad) gave his name international recognition-- and that is what HSUS and PETA are going to run with- and extract every bit of publicity in making him the poster boy of the livestock industry's abuse of and failure to properly care for their livestock.... :(
Oldtimer said:
BRG said:
I don't agree with animal abuse of any sort, and if their was, then the proper action needs taken. With that being said, OT made the following comment that has been bugging me for a few days, he said the following "that used to fly around in helicopters to put himself out as King Sh*t and import in escort women for his functions" I have known this family for a lot of years now. I have not once seen this nor heard someone talk about helicopters or escorts at their functions. I don't believe that is true. Maybe it is, but I don't think so.

Well some of it I saw personally- others the stories are pretty rampant...

If you think Jim Leachman is the image the ranching/livestock industry should be trying to portray to the public- I think we are really in trouble...

I've heard it as well and from people who were at the sales who would have no reason to lie
Who is claiming any one person is the "the image of the ranching/livestock industry...." we want portrayed???

In fact, isn't that a little dangerous, in that darn few people people these days fit the image of an excellent cattleman, who treats others as he wishes to be treated, is scrupulously honest, and a true 'good 'ol boy' with a good heart many of us would want as such an 'image'.

What the world knows Jim Leachman IS, as opposed to the fact that he may have "feet of clay" at times (and who among us is always perfect?) is a genius at cattle genetics.

I don't know him personally, tho we have met him and attended a few of his sales. He does put on a good party, and how one interprets that probably depends on your level of 'partying', which is pretty mild for us, and we saw nothing out of line. My guess is he is fairly elderly and simply may not have known that the leg bands were still on those colts. Some who have seen the situation, stated that conditions were NOT bad for range pastured horses in that area at that time. It seems unreasonable that the man would deliberately allow such an asset to die when he could have sold them had he known of any emergency situation.

Bottom line: darn few, if any of us posting here know near all the facts. And some just like to kick a 'high flyer' when he is down. It isn't flattering to those who do so!

OT, prostitution is normally something you chuckle about. Is your beef with your accusations, that you weren't invited? Or is based on a higher morality you hold dear, that the ho's weren't Montana home grown and were imported?
Like any other subject on here oldtimer KNOWS all the facts,,,,he has talked to someone, who heard something,who read something wriiten by his 3rd wifes cousin who in turn got the info from R2 :D :D :D
Eh oldtimer

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