I must tell you a little about our Hereford journey.
We leased from a Hereford Ranch in Wyoming from 1965-1973 and running Herefords was mandantory. We had prolapses, we had cancer eyes, we had one-eyed cows, we had bad bags, we had no milk, we had antaplasmosis. We also had 400 pound calves. When that ranch sold we moved down to the Powder River country the fall of 1973. There our Hereford calves weighed 330 pounds. (That fall the steer calves brought 30 cents, I might add. Not even $100/head. No foolin'!!)
We moved to Western Montana in 1975 with our Herefords. We ran into 25% cancer eyes, every year. I'm sure that was genetic. But 25% EVERY YEAR gets pretty darn old. We got so we could see the cancer tumors when the size of a match head and would get them burned off. We did it regularly every year, just like branding or weaning. In 1979 we bought our first Angus heifers. We phased out the Herefords over time and it didn't take long~.
We did buy some registered Angus cows in the fall of 1984 and brought disease into our bunch, which we dealt with for 8 years, then gave up and moved. We have been here since 1993 and got on a good mineral program. No cancer eyes, no disease, no prolapses, no C-sections, no problems, PERIOD. (Well, no hay in these drought years might be a problem~) We calve the 20th of March, sell before the 15th of October and our straighbred Angus calves weigh 620-640#.
We listen and see the problems that others go through, ours is truly a problem-free herd. Maybe it is partly because my husband won't put up with problems and he long ago got rid of anything that caused him trouble.
Anyway, ONCE YOU GO BLACK, YOU'LL NEVER GO BACK sure was true for us. Black cattle and getting on a year-round mineral program changed everything for us.
Believe me, we have gone through enough trials and tribulations we have earned where we are in regard to problem-free cattle. We just could not go back to the 'old days' of problems and constantly doctoring.
Good Luck to everyone who is calving!!!