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math ?

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BEDMAS: brackets, then exponenets, then division, multiplication, addition, subtraction.

It's the rule, don't know who came up with it or what made them so important as to be right, but that's the rule.
I didn't learn that in school. I was in business about 60 years. sometime when all expenses were paid at the end of the year I had nothig left in my pocket. Just tried to multiply that by the number of years.
Clarencen said:
I didn't learn that in school. I was in business about 60 years. sometime when all expenses were paid at the end of the year I had nothig left in my pocket. Just tried to multiply that by the number of years.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Faster horses said:
When I went to school:
50+50=100 but 100 x 0=0. Plus 1=1....

So Einstein was wrong? It was actually E=CxCxM? :shock: :wink:
......or did you go to school before him :lol:

Just giving you a hard time FH :D
Enistien was an Aemerican ...he became a citizen in 1940

In 1933, Einstein decided to emigrate to the United States due to the rise to power of the Nazis under Germany's new chancellor, Adolf Hitler.[48] While visiting American universities in April, 1933, he learned that the new German government had passed a law barring Jews from holding any official positions, including teaching at universities. A month later, the Nazi book burnings occurred, with Einstein's works being among those burnt, and Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels proclaimed, "Jewish intellectualism is dead."[47] Einstein also learned that his name was on a list of assassination targets, with a "$5,000 bounty on his head." One German magazine included him in a list of enemies of the German regime with the phrase, "not yet hanged".[47]

Einstein and Szilárd, along with other refugees such as Edward Teller and Eugene Wigner, "regarded it as their responsibility to alert Americans to the possibility that German scientists might win the race to build an atomic bomb, and to warn that Hitler would be more than willing to resort to such a weapon."[46]:630[52] In the summer of 1939, a few months before the beginning of World War II in Europe, Einstein was persuaded to lend his prestige by writing a letter with Szilárd to President Franklin D. Roosevelt to alert him of the possibility. The letter also recommended that the U.S. government pay attention to and become directly involved in uranium research and associated chain reaction research.

The letter is believed to be "arguably the key stimulus for the U.S. adoption of serious investigations into nuclear weapons on the eve of the U.S. entry into World War II".[53] President Roosevelt could not take the risk of allowing Hitler to possess atomic bombs first. As a result of Einstein's letter and his meetings with Roosevelt, the U.S. entered the "race" to develop the bomb, drawing on its "immense material, financial, and scientific resources" to initiate the Manhattan Project. It became the only country to develop an atomic bomb during World War II.
Faster horses said:
I can take it......mine was American math...... :p :wink: :D

OH! That explains it. The good ol' american school system. :) :lol:

You know I was lookin' over all my critters today and was figurin' how many were gonna calve... let's see...

There's the 50 that pregged safe with calf plus (+) the 50 open replacements I bought last week, 50 X 0 (+) my old jersey milk cow that bred back again this year (=) that comes to 1 cow set to calve this spring.

It looks like it's gonna be a mighty lean year with only one calf to sell next fall. Better wean off like 'Babe the Blue Ox' or something. :cboy: :lol: :lol: :lol:

One way that helped me engraved the distributive properties in my long-term memory was with the following phrase:

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally

The trick is to remember that one needs to work the parts from left to right.

Thanks for the post, VB Ranch!
Well it's been quite a few years since I studied math, but here is the way I would write it:

50+50=100X(0)=0 +1=1
Now if I would write it 50 +(50X0=0) +1 It would equal 51

I never studied advanced math. When I was in the service we were given problems to figure the center of gravity. If I used simple math like I have above I would get the wrong answer. I could figure it using the formula we were given but I could never follow it through and determine how I arrived with the right answer. I was lucky, I guess, I never had to use it.

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