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Next HOT breed

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Big Muddy rancher said:
I think i might build a herd of Watusi X Galloway cows.

For a terminal cross I would Breed them EXT and sell the resulting off spring to Gcreek for predator control. :D

I think highland cattle should be used instead of galloway. Just think of the possiblibities of horns and hair to confound any wolf.
Big Muddy rancher said:
I think i might build a herd of Watusi X Galloway cows.

For a terminal cross I would Breed them EXT and sell the resulting off spring to Gcreek for predator control. :D

:lol: :lol:
Next hot breed? Whatever's on the grill. I don't think much will change other than the market place demanding a consistant product.Breed won't matter as much as type but you have to admit Angus is to the consumer what Cadillac is to the auto industry. Were the Pepsi Cola of beef.Hard for anyone to topple that as long as our end product is consistant and tasty. In the consumers eyes all black cattle are angus and once the hide is off all consistant tasty beef will be in the consumers eyes.I know it's hard to admit but Angus has got a strangle hold on the consumers dollar thats why so many have changed their breed color to black. 30 Years ago there was no such thing as a black simmental,Limosene,Gelbvieh or if there was it was'nt the majority.

I was at the NWSS this year and the limosene show followed the angus show same color and type, not a red beast to be seen.
Denny said:
Next hot breed? Whatever's on the grill. I don't think much will change other than the market place demanding a consistant product.Breed won't matter as much as type but you have to admit Angus is to the consumer what Cadillac is to the auto industry. Were the Pepsi Cola of beef.Hard for anyone to topple that as long as our end product is consistant and tasty. In the consumers eyes all black cattle are angus and once the hide is off all consistant tasty beef will be in the consumers eyes.I know it's hard to admit but Angus has got a strangle hold on the consumers dollar thats why so many have changed their breed color to black. 30 Years ago there was no such thing as a black simmental,Limosene,Gelbvieh or if there was it was'nt the majority.

I was at the NWSS this year and the limosene show followed the angus show same color and type, not a red beast to be seen.

AMEN Denny- the Certified Angus Beef (CAB) program is probably the best beef marketing program ever developed- and after 30+ years we are now going into second and third generations that have been influenced by the promotion to recognize that CAB (black angus) beef guarantees a consistent and top quality product...
cab is a scam.. I can prove it...We had first hand experiance.They forgot to put the tag on the brisket so they just cab them all.. :roll: Yeah Ot you would like that!!
katrina said:
cab is a scam.. I can prove it...We had first hand experiance.They forgot to put the tag on the brisket so they just cab them all.. :roll: Yeah Ot you would like that!!

Katrina- did you give back the premium payment/profits you got from those you didn't think should be certified CAB :???:

I've never had to worry about being part of a fraud or scam- as our cattle ALL meet the black angus requirement...
Oldtimer said:
katrina said:
cab is a scam.. I can prove it...We had first hand experiance.They forgot to put the tag on the brisket so they just cab them all.. :roll: Yeah Ot you would like that!!

Katrina- did you give back the premium payment/profits you got from those you didn't think should be certified CAB :???:

Ot you absoulutly amaze me on how stupid you are??? That's not the point really is it??
I think Hereford is primed to make a comeback. The black baldy is so tried and true, it seems inevitable that there will be a swing back to them for momma cows with the commercial people that are running straight Angus. If the genetic defects didn't knock Angus out of the top slot, it is hard to think of anything that would. Plus, getting "hot" doesn't really do a breed any favors, a lot of animals that would be culls during normal times get sold because the demand is insatiable and irresistible.
katrina said:
Ot you absoulutly amaze me on how stupid you are??? That's not the point really is it??

Are you TRYING to Run More People OFF with your Comments Like That?
I think we can disagree with out Comments Like that - I get enough of that Crap from the Republican running for Office!
OldDog/NewTricks said:
katrina said:
Ot you absoulutly amaze me on how stupid you are??? That's not the point really is it??

Are you TRYING to Run More People OFF with your Comments Like That?
I think we can disagree with out Comments Like that - I get enough of that Crap from the Republican running for Office!

yeah Katrina! :wink: :lol: :lol:
OldDog/NewTricks said:
katrina said:
Ot you absoulutly amaze me on how stupid you are??? That's not the point really is it??

Are you TRYING to Run More People OFF with your Comments Like That?
I think we can disagree with out Comments Like that - I get enough of that Crap from the Republican running for Office!

Sure you didn't meen obama running for office

OldDog/NewTricks said:
This brings up another subject
I have an Old collection of Polaroid Photo's that NO One has ever seen (except some of the ladies pictured there)
[What Happen Here Stays Here]

Have any of you seen the movie "Play Misty For Me" After 2 years with this one woman we broke-up. Among many other thing (Yes even the knife scena) SHE went around telling everyone I had these Photo's and my place was broke-in-to several times but Photos were safe in a Lock-Box under Bales-of-Hay. I offered the photos of her to her several times but she chose not to take them.

Four weeks after our break-up she Married my best friend. A week or so later my, by then, X friend (His Choice) Demanded the Photos.

I told him what was between her and I stayed between Her and I but SHE could have the Photo anytime she wanted them. He had size and reach on me but I had that INDIAN sign on him.

How would you handle this? What would you say or tell him?

Right or Wrong here is What I Did/Said

You and you wife meet me Saturday night at the Red Barn.
[The local watering hole]
You all Sit at One of the Bar and I'll set at the other end and pass them down to you one at a time.

That was the last time the subject came up.

I have never been asked for an original back but in these times of Scanners and Computers…

Some of the ladies have Copies
katrina said:
Oldtimer said:
katrina said:
cab is a scam.. I can prove it...We had first hand experiance.They forgot to put the tag on the brisket so they just cab them all.. :roll: Yeah Ot you would like that!!

Katrina- did you give back the premium payment/profits you got from those you didn't think should be certified CAB :???:

Ot you absoulutly amaze me on how stupid you are??? That's not the point really is it??

Do you treat others like this in front of your kids or while you are socializing at church? Maybe think about the witness and example you are being.
BlackCattleRancher said:
katrina said:
Oldtimer said:
Katrina- did you give back the premium payment/profits you got from those you didn't think should be certified CAB :???:

Ot you absoulutly amaze me on how stupid you are??? That's not the point really is it??

Do you treat others like this in front of your kids or while you are socializing at church? Maybe think about the witness and example you are being.

Maybe you need to stick it where the sun don't shine... Buddy. Leave my family out of it. I think I've prolly been around here longer than you so maybe pay a little more attention.
BlackCattleRancher said:
katrina said:
Oldtimer said:
Katrina- did you give back the premium payment/profits you got from those you didn't think should be certified CAB :???:

Ot you absoulutly amaze me on how stupid you are??? That's not the point really is it??

Do you treat others like this in front of your kids or while you are socializing at church? Maybe think about the witness and example you are being.

Do you pick on women in church or just your wife?
gcreekrch said:
We were feedin' evry day

An' a'calvin evry night

An' evry 20 minutes

Some of us hadda fight

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:clap: :clap: :clap:

I have to wonder if one of the guys on the other board is going through a tough calving season. LOL He's been starting a fight over every other post lately but then again maybe it's his best socializing skill!!

Oh wait, he's not from Ireland . . .

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