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Two MAD COW farmers jailed for BSE fraud JAILED FOR 3 YEARS

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The Pastuer's felt the same abuse Ron ,long ago. But the science is right and the world will be a better off place for man or animal ,as your new type of test will solve many ills and disease's .
Sometimes complainers have something to lose or they just want to be noticed. Not everything that the CFIA and the USDA says is to be taken as gospel Truth!! Besides you CANNOT stop PROGRESS !
PORKER said:
The Pastuer's felt the same abuse Ron ,long ago. But the science is right and the world will be a better off place for man or animal ,as your new type of test will solve many ills and disease's .
Sometimes complainers have something to lose or they just want to be noticed. Not everything that the CFIA and the USDA says is to be taken as gospel Truth!! Besides you CANNOT stop PROGRESS !

Only if the test works!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can not claim to cure the world's prob. till you can show results.
Tester; Seems like I've struck a raw nerve; TOO BAD!! You have continued from your earliest posts to use extreme scare tactics on the effects of BSE in the beef industry. With every post you are attacking my only source of income and my livelihood. I'm supposed to sit back in the corner and stay silent?? NO WAY!!! As I stated before I accept the science and protocols as put forth by the OIE and I will not put any faith in extreme contrary views from someone that has ulterior motives in advancing unnecessary blanket testing.
Now you automatically decide what is insincere and what is not. I am trying to wave a white flag and you continue to shoot at me!!!

It is not my intention to engage in BS or anything like it and if I am turning you off Bill, that bothers me somewhat as I only wish to engage in good - albeit - frank discussion at times. I hate confrontation and rhetoric and yes, I do, like most people I know, react to it. But I have offered to make an honest attempt to control my anger while being subjected to abuse and rhetoric and yes, even name calling.

Yet you still make references pertaining to my sincerity as still "reeking of insincerity." What is with you Bill, can you not show tolerance in the face of an honest approach and accept my olive branch without first cutting off the hand that is exteneded to you??

I will try to play nice in this pool but my question to you and to others is simply this:

Can you do the same?
Cowsense wrote:

Tester; Seems like I've struck a raw nerve; TOO BAD!! You have continued from your earliest posts to use extreme scare tactics on the effects of BSE in the beef industry. With every post you are attacking my only source of income and my livelihood. I'm supposed to sit back in the corner and stay silent?? NO WAY!!! As I stated before I accept the science and protocols as put forth by the OIE and I will not put any faith in extreme contrary views from someone that has ulterior motives in advancing unnecessary blanket testing.

Then you will be happy to note that I have been asked to attend a meeting with the OIE in Paris in February to discuss their involvement in the validation of our tet. THey too feel that it has more than enoguh merit to validate it.

Look, I am not one to engage in scare tactics and if that is how I have been perceived then obviously my words or how I have written them has been unfortunately misinterpreted. I will accept that! I will however, cotinue to strive to elliminate completely the risk of infectious prions entering the human food chain regardless of what you or any other producers feel is right or wrong about it.

I am not here to endanger your livelyhood but to enhance it!!! But you cannot see that or you chose not to - which is it? BSE is here and it is not going away. As long as it is here we need to accept the fact that there is a chance that it can pass undetected into the human food chain and that is where the problem lies. Surely you can identify with that and also what that one lousy cow cost this country in losses and cattle prices and yet you complain about your livelyhood and how what I am doing is scaremongering.

You couldn't be more wrong about what I am trying to do.

So, in the desire to make amends and to engage in honest discussion, please, repost my " ...extreme scare tactics on the effects of BSE in the beef industry" that I have posted so that I can answer to them publicly here??? If you will do that and allow me to answer them in front of all here, then perhaps you and I can then continue to discuss things in a more civil manner - something that I would look forward to doing.

I leave it to you now.
PORKER wrote:
The Pastuer's felt the same abuse Ron ,long ago. But the science is right and the world will be a better off place for man or animal ,as your new type of test will solve many ills and disease's .
Sometimes complainers have something to lose or they just want to be noticed. Not everything that the CFIA and the USDA says is to be taken as gospel Truth!! Besides you CANNOT stop PROGRESS !
With every post you are attacking my only source of income and my livelihood. I'm supposed to sit back in the corner and stay silent?? NO WAY!!! As I stated before I accept the science and protocols as put forth by the OIE and I will not put any faith in extreme contrary views from someone that has ulterior motives in advancing unnecessary blanket testing.

Bse Tester Ron, shall, however, in the spirit of goodwill to all men and the thought of trying to bring about peace on earth, try to bring my good side to the forefront in the name of Food Safety.

So who has the most to lose ? The complainers of tests or the consumers??
bse-tester said:
Now you automatically decide what is insincere and what is not. I am trying to wave a white flag and you continue to shoot at me!!!

It is not my intention to engage in BS or anything like it and if I am turning you off Bill, that bothers me somewhat as I only wish to engage in good - albeit - frank discussion at times. I hate confrontation and rhetoric and yes, I do, like most people I know, react to it. But I have offered to make an honest attempt to control my anger while being subjected to abuse and rhetoric and yes, even name calling.

Yet you still make references pertaining to my sincerity as still "reeking of insincerity." What is with you Bill, can you not show tolerance in the face of an honest approach and accept my olive branch without first cutting off the hand that is exteneded to you??

I will try to play nice in this pool but my question to you and to others is simply this:

Can you do the same?

BSE tester-- Don't let them get to you...All they do is further magnify the perception that I and others are seeing that has developed in many producers, but especially the Canadians-- and that is to pooh pooh it all away and just imagine it's a big dream and they will just magically awaken tomorrow and it will all be gone....

Rather than discuss and/or look for solutions they prefer to stick their heads back in the sands of their dreamworld.....Well just because its 2007 and not 2006 anymore- I don't think much has changed....And I always wonder what could/will we be looking at in about 2010 or 2015 :???:
Oldtimer said:
bse-tester said:
Now you automatically decide what is insincere and what is not. I am trying to wave a white flag and you continue to shoot at me!!!

It is not my intention to engage in BS or anything like it and if I am turning you off Bill, that bothers me somewhat as I only wish to engage in good - albeit - frank discussion at times. I hate confrontation and rhetoric and yes, I do, like most people I know, react to it. But I have offered to make an honest attempt to control my anger while being subjected to abuse and rhetoric and yes, even name calling.

Yet you still make references pertaining to my sincerity as still "reeking of insincerity." What is with you Bill, can you not show tolerance in the face of an honest approach and accept my olive branch without first cutting off the hand that is exteneded to you??

I will try to play nice in this pool but my question to you and to others is simply this:

Can you do the same?

BSE tester-- Don't let them get to you...All they do is further magnify the perception that I and others are seeing that has developed in many producers, but especially the Canadians-- and that is to pooh pooh it all away and just imagine it's a big dream and they will just magically awaken tomorrow and it will all be gone....

Rather than discuss and/or look for solutions they prefer to stick their heads back in the sands of their dreamworld.....Well just because its 2007 and not 2006 anymore- I don't think much has changed....And I always wonder what could/will we be looking at in about 2010 or 2015 :???:

Oldtimer this is quite a statement from someone that brushes our bse cases aside like they were no big deal :???: You are the first to drag everyone else over hot coals every time you can but quick to point out that ours are naturally ocuring so they do not count :mad: Maybe its time for you to get out of the dangerous cattle buis. and concentrate on the horses.
mwj said:
Oldtimer said:
bse-tester said:
Now you automatically decide what is insincere and what is not. I am trying to wave a white flag and you continue to shoot at me!!!

It is not my intention to engage in BS or anything like it and if I am turning you off Bill, that bothers me somewhat as I only wish to engage in good - albeit - frank discussion at times. I hate confrontation and rhetoric and yes, I do, like most people I know, react to it. But I have offered to make an honest attempt to control my anger while being subjected to abuse and rhetoric and yes, even name calling.

Yet you still make references pertaining to my sincerity as still "reeking of insincerity." What is with you Bill, can you not show tolerance in the face of an honest approach and accept my olive branch without first cutting off the hand that is exteneded to you??

I will try to play nice in this pool but my question to you and to others is simply this:

Can you do the same?

BSE tester-- Don't let them get to you...All they do is further magnify the perception that I and others are seeing that has developed in many producers, but especially the Canadians-- and that is to pooh pooh it all away and just imagine it's a big dream and they will just magically awaken tomorrow and it will all be gone....

Rather than discuss and/or look for solutions they prefer to stick their heads back in the sands of their dreamworld.....Well just because its 2007 and not 2006 anymore- I don't think much has changed....And I always wonder what could/will we be looking at in about 2010 or 2015 :???:

Oldtimer this is quite a statement from someone that brushes our bse cases aside like they were no big deal :???: You are the first to drag everyone else over hot coals every time you can but quick to point out that ours are naturally ocuring so they do not count :mad: Maybe its time for you to get out of the dangerous cattle buis. and concentrate on the horses.

Perhaps you have reading/perception problems also... I have never said our cases don't count-- Just the opposite in fact...That our 2 cases when compared to Canada's 9 cases in a herd of 1/7th the size shows that Canada has a much higher risk factor...Even my 8 year old Granddaughter can figure that out :roll:

And that since the cases found in Canada are mostly of a different variety than those found in the US, further stengthens the argument that we shouldn't be dragging in that disease or variety into the US cattle herd by allowing in imports....Especially since the science has so many unknowns about BSE and especially this new atypical variety......

We should be seeing answers before we go dropping or weakening any of our long standing BSE safeguards that were developed over years of research.....
Oldtimer said:
mwj said:
Oldtimer said:
BSE tester-- Don't let them get to you...All they do is further magnify the perception that I and others are seeing that has developed in many producers, but especially the Canadians-- and that is to pooh pooh it all away and just imagine it's a big dream and they will just magically awaken tomorrow and it will all be gone....

Rather than discuss and/or look for solutions they prefer to stick their heads back in the sands of their dreamworld.....Well just because its 2007 and not 2006 anymore- I don't think much has changed....And I always wonder what could/will we be looking at in about 2010 or 2015 :???:

Oldtimer this is quite a statement from someone that brushes our bse cases aside like they were no big deal :???: You are the first to drag everyone else over hot coals every time you can but quick to point out that ours are naturally ocuring so they do not count :mad: Maybe its time for you to get out of the dangerous cattle buis. and concentrate on the horses.

Perhaps you have reading/perception problems also... I have never said our cases don't count-- Just the opposite in fact...That our 2 cases when compared to Canada's 9 cases in a herd of 1/7th the size shows that Canada has a much higher risk factor...Even my 8 year old Granddaughter can figure that out :roll:

And that since the cases found in Canada are mostly of a different variety than those found in the US, further stengthens the argument that we shouldn't be dragging in that disease or variety into the US cattle herd by allowing in imports....Especially since the science has so many unknowns about BSE and especially this new atypical variety......

We should be seeing answers before we go dropping or weakening any of our long standing BSE safeguards that were developed over years of research.....

You just proved mwj's point to a T and you don't even know it. :roll:
Sandhusker said:
cowsense said:
Sandhusker; So you are going to jump on the bandwagon that beef is unsafe for consumption? Pretty irresponsible for an ag banker but not surprising considering your R-clag views!

Are you going to address my question or just continue to blindly repeat what you want to hear and villianize those who say what you don't like?

I see you ignored this and attacked Ron again. Is the truth bad for business? What about that "scientific stance" you crow about? It all sounds good until one actually thinks about it, doesn't it?
cowsense said:
Tester; Seems like I've struck a raw nerve; TOO BAD!! You have continued from your earliest posts to use extreme scare tactics on the effects of BSE in the beef industry. With every post you are attacking my only source of income and my livelihood. I'm supposed to sit back in the corner and stay silent?? NO WAY!!! As I stated before I accept the science and protocols as put forth by the OIE and I will not put any faith in extreme contrary views from someone that has ulterior motives in advancing unnecessary blanket testing.

for anyone to go by anything the OIE says about BSE, is like just asking to have BSE. any country that went by the OIE guidelines, most all went down with BSE. all the OIE is anymore is a international brokerage firm to trade all strains of TSE legally. what a hoot...

sample survey via oie for bse is about 400 test via 100 million cattle, if i am not mistaken.

MOST countries that went by these OIE guidelines all eventually went down with BSE. ...TSS


THE OIE has now shown they are nothing more than a National Trading Brokerage for all strains of animal TSE.
AS i said before, OIE should hang up there jock strap now, since it appears they will buckle every time a country makes some political hay about trade protocol, commodities and futures.

IF they are not going to be science based, they should do everyone a favor and dissolve there organization. ...



see full text ;




Date: August 16, 2006 at 9:19 am PST


Sun Jul 16, 2006 09:22





Oldtimer said:
mwj said:
Oldtimer said:
BSE tester-- Don't let them get to you...All they do is further magnify the perception that I and others are seeing that has developed in many producers, but especially the Canadians-- and that is to pooh pooh it all away and just imagine it's a big dream and they will just magically awaken tomorrow and it will all be gone....

Rather than discuss and/or look for solutions they prefer to stick their heads back in the sands of their dreamworld.....Well just because its 2007 and not 2006 anymore- I don't think much has changed....And I always wonder what could/will we be looking at in about 2010 or 2015 :???:

Oldtimer this is quite a statement from someone that brushes our bse cases aside like they were no big deal :???: You are the first to drag everyone else over hot coals every time you can but quick to point out that ours are naturally ocuring so they do not count :mad: Maybe its time for you to get out of the dangerous cattle buis. and concentrate on the horses.

Perhaps you have reading/perception problems also... I have never said our cases don't count-- Just the opposite in fact...That our 2 cases when compared to Canada's 9 cases in a herd of 1/7th the size shows that Canada has a much higher risk factor...Even my 8 year old Granddaughter can figure that out :roll:

And that since the cases found in Canada are mostly of a different variety than those found in the US, further stengthens the argument that we shouldn't be dragging in that disease or variety into the US cattle herd by allowing in imports....Especially since the science has so many unknowns about BSE and especially this new atypical variety......

We should be seeing answers before we go dropping or weakening any of our long standing BSE safeguards that were developed over years of research.....

I would think if someone that was new to the board read all of your posts on bse they would draw a very dif. conclusion. Maybe if that grand daughter is that smart maybe you should let her post for a while and straighten all of us out :lol: Maybe I have missed all your posts where you have given more than token interest in our bse prob. Maybe it was on the post where everyone poked fun at the person from the usda that got the breed of the bse cow wrong :roll: I guess that was a bad day for my reading comprehension :oops: If you put forth as much interest in our bse prob. as you do the local butcher pulling the labels off of canadian beef I would respect your opinion a little more.
THE OIE has now shown they are nothing more than a National Trading Brokerage for all strains of animal TSE.
AS i said before, OIE should hang up there jock strap now, since it appears they will buckle every time a country makes some political hay about trade protocol, commodities and futures.

IF they are not going to be science based, they should do everyone a favor and dissolve there organization. ...

Just another mirror image of the UN- and we know what they're worth....

Absolutely worthless.... :roll: :( :mad:
Oldtimer said:
Big Muddy rancher said:
Oldtimer said:
This isn't much different than the Alberta entrepreneurs the Canucks were reporting, that were buying up old cracker cows at the rings, taking them home and then with the cooperation of co-conspirator vets were having them put down as suspect and tested for the "testing fee money" to be gained by both....

Another misuse of well intended programs....... :roll: :(

As if this never happens south of the 49th.

Didn't happen in this part of the "south of the 49th"- as we didn't get paid to test cows- or $200 extra from the government to hold calves a few more months- or get government payments for our fat beef (which the Packers took their share out of first)...Even tho the Canuck cow found in Washington devastated the markets for awhile....

Oldtimer this got buried but I wanted your answer. Are you saying that no producer in the USA has ever cheated or manipulated a Government Ag program?

While your answering questions could you tell me how long you were sheriff? 20 years? 30 years? 3 years?
Big Muddy rancher said:
Oldtimer said:
Big Muddy rancher said:
As if this never happens south of the 49th.

Didn't happen in this part of the "south of the 49th"- as we didn't get paid to test cows- or $200 extra from the government to hold calves a few more months- or get government payments for our fat beef (which the Packers took their share out of first)...Even tho the Canuck cow found in Washington devastated the markets for awhile....

Oldtimer this got buried but I wanted your answer. Are you saying that no producer in the USA has ever cheated or manipulated a Government Ag program?

Way too much.....

While your answering questions could you tell me how long you were sheriff? 20 years? 30 years? 3 years?

4 years as Sheriff-- the other 24 were as a Deputy......
Oldtimer said:
Big Muddy rancher said:
Oldtimer said:
Didn't happen in this part of the "south of the 49th"- as we didn't get paid to test cows- or $200 extra from the government to hold calves a few more months- or get government payments for our fat beef (which the Packers took their share out of first)...Even tho the Canuck cow found in Washington devastated the markets for awhile....

Oldtimer this got buried but I wanted your answer. Are you saying that no producer in the USA has ever cheated or manipulated a Government Ag program?

Way too much.....

While your answering questions could you tell me how long you were sheriff? 20 years? 30 years? 3 years?

4 years as Sheriff-- the other 24 were as a Deputy......

Quote from Oldtimer from Oct 9th 2006
Tells you that a lot of people think I am honest, trustworthy and capable- including the State Dept. of Livestock, the people of Valley County that elected me,

If the voters of Valley County think you are so honest, trustworthy and capable, Why didn't they re-elect you for a second term for Sheriff? :wink:
Tam said:
Oldtimer said:
Big Muddy rancher said:
Oldtimer this got buried but I wanted your answer. Are you saying that no producer in the USA has ever cheated or manipulated a Government Ag program?

Way too much.....

While your answering questions could you tell me how long you were sheriff? 20 years? 30 years? 3 years?

4 years as Sheriff-- the other 24 were as a Deputy......

Quote from Oldtimer from Oct 9th 2006
Tells you that a lot of people think I am honest, trustworthy and capable- including the State Dept. of Livestock, the people of Valley County that elected me,

If the voters of Valley County think you are so honest, trustworthy and capable, Why didn't they re-elect you for a second term for Sheriff? :wink:

Quite simply sweetheart-- I didn't run a second term- I retired.. :wink: The State changed the retirement laws and with the years I had in if I ran again I would have been working for about 50 cents an hour.....
Instead I picked my Undersheriff to be my successor and he ran and was elected....(Secret to success in government is surround yourself with good people)..

I am proud to say that my Judge, who I assisted last term and am again filling in for this week while she is with her husband who is getting more medical tests, was the biggest vote getter in the county this last election :wink: ...... See - she knows honest, trustworthy, and capable too - and how to be a success in government...:wink:

Did Big Beaver's dogcatcher put you up to asking this, since it was his initial question and seemed so vitally important to him :???: .....

If you two are so interested in following my political career :roll: :lol: -- my picture should be in this weeks paper being sworn in for this term...You can tell me if my beard gives me a more scholarly, judgely, look :wink: :lol: :lol:

SHEEEESSHHH---Socalled Leaders of the Canadian cattle industry, that have to sidetrack from the issues because they've let them get so bad they don't even want to talk about it anymore....... :(
Oldtimer said:
Tam said:

Quote from Oldtimer from Oct 9th 2006
Tells you that a lot of people think I am honest, trustworthy and capable- including the State Dept. of Livestock, the people of Valley County that elected me,

If the voters of Valley County think you are so honest, trustworthy and capable, Why didn't they re-elect you for a second term for Sheriff? :wink:

Quite simply sweetheart-- I didn't run a second term- I retired.. :wink: The State changed the retirement laws and with the years I had in if I ran again I would have been working for about 50 cents an hour.....
Instead I picked my Undersheriff to be my successor and he ran and was elected....(Secret to success in government is surround yourself with good people)..

I am proud to say that my Judge, who I assisted last term and am again filling in for this week while she is with her husband who is getting more medical tests, was the biggest vote getter in the county this last election :wink: ...... See - she knows honest, trustworthy, and capable too - and how to be a success in government...:wink:

Did Big Beaver's dogcatcher put you up to asking this, since it was his initial question and seemed so vitally important to him :???: .....

If you two are so interested in following my political career :roll: :lol: -- my picture should be in this weeks paper being sworn in for this term...You can tell me if my beard gives me a more scholarly, judgely, look :wink: :lol: :lol:

SHEEEESSHHH---Socalled Leaders of the Canadian cattle industry, that have to sidetrack from the issues because they've let them get so bad they don't even want to talk about it anymore....... :(

You're being HONEST (ONCE) at least you admit you are not worth 50 cents and turned over the job to the guy that actually did the work anyway. :wink:
BTW what do you mean by MY JUDGE? I thought if a Judge is elected by the VOTERS she would be the Judge for all the Valley County people not just Dick B's judge???? :?

Big Beaver doesn't have an elected dog catcher Oldtimer we just let "has been lawmen" deal with the dogs, it's makes them feel needed. :wink: Maybe Glasgow should try it, One less thing on the ballot and it would give you something to do besides sit on a bar stool and bad mouth your neighbors. It may even cut into your internet surfing time so you wouldn't have so much time to find Misinformed attention gradding headlines to bother your current elected officials with so they can do the jobs they aren't to old to do. :shock: Think about Oldtimer the next time the people of Glasgow see you going through your local butchers dumpster you can just flash your little badge and tell them you are hot on the trail of the dirt dogs that ate all the beef that came in those PRODUCT OF CANADA boxes. :wink:
It may even cut into your internet surfing time so you wouldn't have so much time to find Misinformed attention gradding headlines to bother your current elected officials with so they can do the jobs they aren't to old to do

Too bad so many of the so-called Industry leaders don't spend a little more time researching the internet, meeting with the common folks, and finding the true happenings so they can make informed consultations and decisions for these folks they are supposed to be representing... :roll: :(

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