Agman, "What you fail to understand and therefore will lose your bet is that those consumers who believe foreign beef is the "IN" thing are more numerous than you or I would expect. I have not taken a single incident as you presume. This consumer action has been observed over the past several years. You are so far removed from the real and total marketplace that you do not even have a clue it is ongoing today.
We don't know how numerous they are. You say a lot, I say a few, neither of us can prove anything. All I know is that advertising works. Billions are spent on it each year. The folks running the checkoff that you support must believe in advertising,hence, the "Beef, it's what's for dinner" campaign. With this generic beef promition, we haven't even tried to promote our product! I'm positive a good promotion would make US beef the thing to buy. Think about it, Agman, what guides those people's spending? It's image! Put US beef out there in the image they want and we're all happy. You're saying they won't buy our product which is totally defeatest considering they haven't heard one flipping ad telling them why they should!
Agman, "Do you think if we separate their beef checkoff contributions that they will not spend those additional dollars to distinguish their product from ours. You are smarter than that."
Right now, both you and I would simply be specualting as to whether or not they would advertise themselves. The one thing we both KNOW right now is that they contribute to the checkoff because they have NO CHOICE.
Even if they did consider that buck already budgeted for advertisement and made their own ads, do think they could hold a candle to the might of the check-off's deep pocketbooks? You're talking Leinenkugle taking on Anheuser Busch! For every ad they put out, the check off could put out 10. If they want to play the advertising game....