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Where is it raining?

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We were lucky today as we got a couple of quick rains that lasted about 5 minutes each with about 0.10" total - - - Another 130 acres of corn and 33 acres of beans in the ground so we're down to about 160 acres of corn and 680 acres of beans and we will be planted!

Got the drill stuck and took about an hour to get it out and we parked it for the day!
rainin all around the ranch but here on cameron flats every time a drop of rain has fallen the damn north wind has kicked up a few more mph and dried it out even farther down. Almost a dust bowl, finished feeding and went right to work on irrigating. Even part of my yard has burned up.

A little rain is justified.
no measureable rain here in south central sask. Just settling the dust.
You know Dave I put those green photo's up just for you to give you Hope.
More like depression. :lol:

Beautiful sunny -8C morning here on the mountain.

My thoughts are for the folks that were hit by tornados on the weekend. Does anyone know if the Joplin stockyards were in the damage? They handled a lot of cattle through there.
gcreekrch said:
More like depression. :lol:

Beautiful sunny -8C morning here on the mountain.

My thoughts are for the folks that were hit by tornados on the weekend. Does anyone know if the Joplin stockyards were in the damage? They handled a lot of cattle through there.

Joplin Regional Stockyards undamaged by tornado, source tells DCN
By Greg Henderson, Editor, Associate Publisher
A source told Drovers/CattleNetwork this morning that Joplin Regional Stockyards was undamaged during last night's tornado, and that all employees are accounted for. The Monday sale at JRS was scheduled to continue as planned.
2.7 inches of rain in ten days out here! :shock: I am busy building an ark as we speak. Won't be much of a vessel as my ship building skills are pretty rusty with this beinga desert and all. So far i have duck taped 6 innertubes to my saddle but I gotta figure a way to keep my feet dry! :D An amazing year for moisture in our area. Never saw so much snow and then rains that just keep coming. Sometimes you have a dry winter and then get rains or vice versa but never both. Remember our yearly average is just about 13 inches total. Hope any of ya'll that need moisture get some soon.
Seen the sun for the first time in 2 weeks for about 15 minutes on saturday then it rained 2 inches under a hour. I have not seen this bad of weather since the spring of 84
Well, we got pretty well skunked on our "heavy rainfall warning". Unless of course 1/8 inch is heavy rainfall :?
I'm getting that sinking feeling again already for this year.
Seeded 60 acres this morning while it rained all around me. It closed in and shut that thought down for now. Fire, tornadoes, drought, floods.... so many things around me indicate how fortunate I am.
per said:
Fire, tornadoes, drought, floods.... so many things around me indicate how fortunate I am.


It started last night and is still coming down steady , have gotten over 25 m'sl so far and won't be surprised if we are at 50 ml's by later tonight . Cold though ,we are at +5 only . I sure hope this is heading North to put out the fires there.
Big Muddy rancher said:
gcreekrch said:
More like depression. :lol:

Beautiful sunny -8C morning here on the mountain.

My thoughts are for the folks that were hit by tornados on the weekend. Does anyone know if the Joplin stockyards were in the damage? They handled a lot of cattle through there.

Joplin Regional Stockyards undamaged by tornado, source tells DCN
By Greg Henderson, Editor, Associate Publisher
A source told Drovers/CattleNetwork this morning that Joplin Regional Stockyards was undamaged during last night's tornado, and that all employees are accounted for. The Monday sale at JRS was scheduled to continue as planned.

The NBC evening news will be airing from Joplin. Actaully the Stockyards is a few miles east of Joplin on I-44 so far no local news stating the stockyards was hit. However more tornados are expected if the sun comes out. Joplin Stockyards uses a Carthage mailing address. Its raining heavy in the area. We are not out of the water yet till two more days.
I 44 was closed most Sunday evening and news tells us it takes many hours to ge around Joplin as it hit totaled the High School, one Hospital, Wal-Mart, and 1/3 of the resdental part of the city of 75,000. Going for six miles if you have not heard the news. That would put thehit very closed to JRS and would be rough to transport cattle to and from JRS.
Tonight forcast stating two nice days and next more of the same. Sounds like some of the posts here other parts of North America are sort of the same weather.
Depending on where you hang your hat, Willa country here has received between 4 to 6.5 inches of rain through today.....ponds and terrace channels are FULL. Looking like rain here tonight, tomorrow, and Wednesday. We still don't have a driveway here, but the ground around the hacienda is packed down pretty hard and lets a person get around, as long as you have pulled the panic stick. Even the bean field from last year has been solid enough to let the girls drive the Caddy & the Buick almost up to the house. #1 graduating took a load off, now if the damn house would ever get finished. It was supposed to have been all done by graduation, but I guess I never stipulated the YEAR of graduation......

40 miles east of here the tillers of the soil were firing up the pivots just to get the corn & beans to sprout last week. Been an awful funny spring......I kinda doubt Jiggsy will be able to bale alfalfa when he gets back from his trip on the USS Diarrhea....... :shock:
1.2 inches in 15 minutes this evening about 6:30 PM eastern time - - - tornado watches all around very high winds then it cleared up and got sunny!

Rain forcast every day but Sunday for the next week but the weathermen know if they forcast rain on race day in Indianapolis they will be stoned to death!

It finally got a little warmth and both the grass and the corn in the ground are growing so fast you could almost watch in real time!
We have had 3 to 4 tenths over the last few days but last night 3/4s of an inch, a good soaker. Not that we needed much but it is good to see that it can still rain not just fool around.

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