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Who's everyone supporting and why?

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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2006
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In my opinion the United States is in a bad spot when it comes time to vote for the fearless leader of our wonderful nation. I'm totally undecided. I don't feel there is a good candidate in any of them. I just wondered who everyone is supporting and what the main issue they are supporting that has gained your support for them.

I hope this turns into a learning debate not sparked by name calling and such. Or the simple replies of he's a conservative she's a liberal but the real issues and why you would trust them enough to give them your vote.
None of those three. I'm a conservative and our choices are either a moderate liberal or two socialists.
who do I support??? honestly, it seems to bve a choice of the lesser of two evils. all politicians are crooks, lining their pockets off of us dopes who think they will change something.

I will vote Republican, simply because I believe they will finish the job in Iraq, and not tax me to death.

what I wish would happen is some guy to stand up and say screw it all, we are going to put AMERICA first. no more foriegn aid that never gets to it's intended target, no morecaring what other nations think about us. import tarriffs where needed, and telling China to kiss our ass.

a border fence that NO ONE can pass or circumvent. death for dope dealers, child molesters, and prisons will be just bars and beds.

and a new situation for congress. build a big hotel like structure, and the a-holes who are elected get $50,000 a year, free room and board, no retirement, no perks, and they read EVERY law they make and vote on it. Lobbyists wil be shot! it is a frigging HONORY to serve your country as a lawmaker, not a priviledge.

I may have to run myself!
The incredible mismanagement of every aspect of the Federal government under Republican leadership in Congress and the administration requires a vote for whatever Democrat is running.
Goodpasture said:
The incredible mismanagement of every aspect of the Federal government under Republican leadership in Congress and the administration requires a vote for whatever Democrat is running.

If you look at this current Democrat led Congress as a test drive for Democrat leadership, you would have to pass on the purchase - they have lower approval ratings than Bush! :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The main problems with the Democrats that are being offered is that both are socialists, one can't even spell honesty and the other is a racial bigot and hypocrite who seems to have a problem telling the truth as well.
This is about how I feel about our presidential candidates:


However, we have a choice, albeit a poor one, between a group who, over the past 8 years, proven to be incompetent, borrow and spend self serving elitists. We KNOW what they are going to do. We also have a group whom we hope will change things for the better. If nothing else, get the last group of thieves out.

And attempting to calculate the past year and a half into the equation is stupid for anyone with the slightest awareness of Washington and of government in the USA. A majority that does not have a clear, filibuster proof majority is not a true majority. That is what the Republicans had for one and a half terms. today there is no way the Democrats can override a filibuster or a presidential veto. That leaves limited options to Congress, and makes the Presidency almost invulnerable. Today, thanks to the incredible stupidity and selfishness of the Republicans, there is a good chance the Democrats will have an unassailable majority.......if they don't perform we will have to throw them out next time around.
Goodpasture said:
This is about how I feel about our presidential candidates:


However, we have a choice, albeit a poor one, between a group who, over the past 8 years, proven to be incompetent, borrow and spend self serving elitists. We KNOW what they are going to do. We also have a group whom we hope will change things for the better. If nothing else, get the last group of thieves out.

And attempting to calculate the past year and a half into the equation is stupid for anyone with the slightest awareness of Washington and of government in the USA. A majority that does not have a clear, filibuster proof majority is not a true majority. That is what the Republicans had for one and a half terms. today there is no way the Democrats can override a filibuster or a presidential veto. That leaves limited options to Congress, and makes the Presidency almost invulnerable. Today, thanks to the incredible stupidity and selfishness of the Republicans, there is a good chance the Democrats will have an unassailable majority.......if they don't perform we will have to throw them out next time around.

I agree with you Goodpasture- and I think many more folks are thinking that way...I was talking last week with a long time Republican rancher- and we were talking about the current cattle economy being in the sewer and what a worthless bunch of candidates we had-- and he flat out told me, "I think I may have to vote for my first Democrat for President- we can't afford anymore Bush, and McCain is a second Bush"...

I hear more and more that believe that way- that McCain is a "second Bush" and some even fear his warmongering more (100 years of war- and Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran in continuation of King George's "crusades" ) - and I haven't found a local person that has much good to say about Bush...
Ever hear of "Out of the frying pan and into the fire"?

You might not like Bush (and I share your contempt of that thick-skulled btard), but Hillary and Barry are not improvements. How can you support them when they have such low regard for honesty? Both of them are despicable human beings.
I like Hillarys education plan and at least she mentions the working class. Not saying she's got my vote at all just a couple positives I've noticed.
Sandhusker said:
..... but Hillary and Barry are not improvements.
how do you know? by definition politicians are liars. Why should support another term of Bush because we know how he will screw us?
Sandhusker said:
Ever hear of "Out of the frying pan and into the fire"?

You might not like Bush (and I share your contempt of that thick-skulled btard), but Hillary and Barry are not improvements. How can you support them when they have such low regard for honesty? Both of them are despicable human beings.

Almost getting impossible to find an honest politician at the national (D.C.) level anymore- that actually stays that way after a few years in that den of iniquity....

I heard something last night that I thought was comical- McCains wife didn't even trust his philandering past enough to marry him without a prenuptial agreement- by which she keeps the major share of Daddy's $100+ million beer fortune...Maybe she should be the one running for Prez..... :wink: :lol:
Goodpasture said:
Sandhusker said:
..... but Hillary and Barry are not improvements.
how do you know? by definition politicians are liars. Why should support another term of Bush because we know how he will screw us?

I know because I've been paying attention - and not all politicians are liars. They're real good at telling half the story, but Hillary and Barry tell bold face lies. - you can't deny that.

I'm not against voting for a Democrat. I've voted for Ben Nelson every time he was up for anything, and I'll continue that. I just refuse to vote for pathalogical liars, crooks, and hypocrites.
Well, I'm sick and tired of the United Nations and the Council of Foreign Relations running this country...... and all 3 candidates are on the senate for CFR...........

Hillary waves the "goat of mendez" US flag around (I had to do a search on it first time I heard it as I didn't know what that was). The Clintons, Bushes, Cheney and others have pilfered this country far too long.........and all their corporate buddies. I found a Bilderberg Meeting Minutes of 1998 last weekend and it spoke then of the things that have come to pass in this country and how it was planned, all one has to do is go read Leo Wanta's starting back about 2006 and he lists everything that is happening with the banking fiasco now and that was 2 years ago. The last thing this country needs is another Clinton.

McInsane wants to continue our warring ways, and no empire has maintained themselves (look at the history of Rome, Europe, Russia and others) with continual war.
He's already said the jobs that have left the US will never be back......... he's totally happy that we're a "service" economy and there's no way that nurse aids, bartenders and waittresses can be a livable wage. He wants to give amnesty to all the illegals.....

Obama may or may not make a good choice..... however he's very similar to Clinton except he's not been in Congress long enough to be totally "one of their boys" and he may not always make decisions to prosper the elite.......... he has sponsored a bill to go after all these corporations that hide their money in offshore accounts thereby not paying taxes on it.......... and that's a good thing (and its what has caused negative publicity to come out about him) ........... Israel is worried about him not having their interests as his number one goal......... I think we need to stop ALL foreign aid until we get our budget lined out and a balanced budget.

I intend to look at what else is running. I haven't really searched out what Nader stands for.
But there's no way I would vote for Hitlary or McInsane. In fact there's already talk that Liebermann will be his VP and halfway through his term he will be declared medically unfit and then Liebermann will take over........... and if Pelosi is Hitlary's VP ........... and if Obama gets it, Gore will be over global warming....... just great.

There has got to be someone running who has the USA and its citizens and the sovereignty of this country as their backbone.
You know what is wrong right now with McCain and some of the neocon Republican leadership- they know only one direction and can't seem to change... :shock:

I listened to McCains Social Security solution the other day- and he is again beating the Bush drum- of have everyone invest in the private sector- stocks and bonds- for a retirement account....

Don't they have any understanding of how many million retired or soon to retire folks have lost much or all of their life savings in stocks and bonds in the last 6 months thanks to Bushonomics- with some only having SS now to rely on ? Do they really think folks are going to want to look at a privatization plan now :???:
Will not support any of them. But will vote for McCain. Would never vote for Hillary or Obama any way any how. If I did not think McCain had some good things to offer I would not vote at all, or probably write in Jigs.

Obama and Hillary offer not one good plan I have heard of, everything the offer is socialistic.

Even though I do not agree with McCain on many things he does offer some hope that I hope he will follow through on. I think he will finish the war in Iraq and not cut and run, he will continue to keep Americans safe from Terrorist. And he promises to stop ear mark pork. If he holds true to vetoing ear marks that will be more than most Presidents ever accomplished.

Maybe McCain will not do all he says, but as it stands now if he does what he claims it will be a lot better than if Hillary and Obama do what they claim.

If McCain does go overboard he has a Democratic controlled congress to keep him in check, but if Obama and Hillary get in there with the Dem's controlling congress God help us!
I will vote for Hillary.

I have problem with Obama either.

I thin John Mc is a nice enough guy but he's too "dottery" and he is a Bush clone in my mind.
kolanuraven said:
I will vote for Hillary.

I have problem with Obama either.

I thin John Mc is a nice enough guy but he's too "dottery" and he is a Bush clone in my mind.

I will reinerate from another post. If you value the right to keep and bear arms (which you do), don't vote for some sucker or "suckerette" for President who would take this right away from us. Think very hard before you cast your ballot. Things might not be perfect in today's world, but they will at least not get much worse with McCain at the helm. With Obama or Hillary, if you think things are bad now, just see what four years with either of them steering the ship will do.
Soapweed said:
kolanuraven said:
I will vote for Hillary.

I have problem with Obama either.

I thin John Mc is a nice enough guy but he's too "dottery" and he is a Bush clone in my mind.

I will reinerate from another post. If you value the right to keep and bear arms (which you do), don't vote for some sucker or "suckerette" for President who would take this right away from us. Think very hard before you cast your ballot. Things might not be perfect in today's world, but they will at least not get much worse with McCain at the helm. With Obama or Hillary, if you think things are bad now, just see what four years with either of them steering the ship will do.

I disagree. I've seen what the Rep's do....and it's ugly .

I , unlike you, do not have crystal ball to see into the future!! And if you have such powers I wish you'd clued us in on what Bush was gonna do for all these 8 years!!!!

Like I said earlier, just because someone ' says' something DOES NOT mean it's instantly gonna happen.
Soapweed said:
I will reinerate from another post. If you value the right to keep and bear arms (which you do), don't vote for some sucker or "suckerette" for President who would take this right away from us.
Neither one, although they have expressed anti-gun sentiments, have made this a focus of their campaign. The gun issue is going to be on the shelf for years while the next President deals with Iraq, the economy, foreign relations, the deficit, the debt, and Al Qaeda. I see NO future in an anti-gun position for either candidate......certainly not one that will play out in their administration.
Soapweed said:
...........Things might not be perfect in today's world, but they will at least not get much worse with McCain at the helm.
You are probably right, things can't get much worse. The problem is, with 20,000 homes a week being foreclosed on, with 80,000 jobs being lost last month, are we going to do anything any better? We need more than a "stay the course" president. Staying the course means even greater dependence on borrowed money, more debt for our kids and grandkids, more lives lost in Iraq, more terrorist attacks because of our degraded and worn out military infrastructure that will be unable to respond to genuine threats, more and more bankruptcies because of overwhelming medical bills, more and more industry moving off shore, less border security, more illegal immigrants getting amnesty, more lost jobs, more bailouts for wall street............What I said above, that "things can't get much worse" was wrong. Keeping on doing what has been the policy of the past 8 years, it will get worse. We will be a 3rd world country by the end of McCain's Presidency if he does as he promises......to stay the course.

Soapweed said:
With Obama or Hillary, if you think things are bad now, just see what four years with either of them steering the ship will do.
You have facts to support this or are you just indulging in partisan speculation? You think things are bad now? just see what four years with McCain steering the ship will do.

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