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  1. M

    Spectrum Animal products

    last year we got a few different things from a place in Ontario called Spectrum , I misplaced there book and now cant find there number. Anyone with information would be appreciated,
  2. M

    Cowboys riding for a cause

    Cowboys riding for a cause By DARRELL NESBITT Believing a man’s greatest possession is his dignity and that no calling bestows this more abundantly than aiding a fellow man, cowboys will be riding for a cause at ‘The Brad Dunn Bull Bash’ in Brandon on Friday, Aug. 29. Funds generated from the...
  3. M

    Montana Silversmiths Buckles

    I bought one in January and the other day when I was wearing it one of the loops on the back of the buckle where it hooks onto your belt broke off. I tried to find a contact number for them to see if there is any warranty or not but cant find a number for them.
  4. M

    Just pure bad luck!

    Yesterday we were in the city which is about 40 mins away we got a call that a grass fire had gotten into our bale stacks. We made a fast trip back home but the damage was already done. We lost around 500 big round bales of hay that we had bought, 150 round bales of straw and a shed that was...
  5. M

    New record low temp.

    it was hovering around the -40 here this morning. Fairly frosty :roll:
  6. M


    yeah the exchange rate bounces around now like the rest of the markets cept for the wheat futures.
  7. M

    Most Powerful man in world? (Potash King)

    not far from here is where they take the potash outta the ground.
  8. M

    Beat Pulp

    We usually throw a bag of beet pulp in with our mixture when we are mix milling. I dont know if it has any other effect on the calves other than helping keeping there coats shiny, but its very inexpensive.
  9. M

    JD Discbine ?

    cowzilla, You got any stones over your way? We tried a Brand new NH Discbine two years ago and it jsut wouldnt stand up to the lil stones we have. So i bought anohter sickle bar haybine.
  10. M

    Medicator to go in Pumphouse

    I was wondering if anyone had information where I could find a medicator to put in our pumphouse that we could treat water with going to our feedlot pens. I was talking to someone a while back and said they work great. But I cant find where they are made or who sells them.
  11. M

    Our New Website

    check it out see what ya think... these are my hobby cattle :wink: www.fivestarbuckingbulls.com
  12. M


    Gonna feel like -42 here tonite with the windchill.......... just got in from bedding up the cows and its a cool one out there... :roll:
  13. M

    Cold Weather

    Kind of a shock to the system today was colder than heck but tonite the temperature has really taken a drop winchills near -40. The temperature is darn close to -31 but that wind really has a bite to it.
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    Question regarding Dectomax.

    Weve used Dectomax for years, used it on bulls up to 12 years old and never had a problem.
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    I think we paid $170 per 5L jug of Dectomax this fall.
  16. M

    I'd like to kick some butt!

    What would have happened if a young kid had gotten in that snare and was killed?
  17. M

    I'd like to kick some butt!

    Hope she pulls through Kato. I do not agree with snares either... and they wonder why animal rights people are always complaining.
  18. M

    Something going on

    I ve heard that cougars can smell a horse and usually attatck them before they will a cattle beast. We jsut lost a 600 str last week, seen the cougar eating at him. Ripped the throat right out of the steer. We took a few shots at him but havent seen him since.
  19. M

    How will I spend all this money????

    NR, Its tough going here to get .77 for fats. Lots of guys jsut calling it quits in this area. Bred cow dispersal sales are booked solid til spring. Will be interesting to see what bred cows bring this fall and winter.
  20. M

    Any Veterinarians Want to Relocate to Montana?

    Sure would cut the load off the local guys here that spend a lot of time over there...Scobey already brings in a Canadian (3 or 4 from a Canadian Clinic switch off spending a week or two at a time) to keep their Clinic open... You surely wouldnt use a Canadian vet would you OT? Arent you...