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  1. B

    1/2 of a flock

    I've trapped predators for nearly 40 years, and I still can't figure out alot of the whys, but with coons in the henhouse I think they get in a frenzy from all the clucking, flying and fleeing and lack the reasoning to know they've killed enough chickens for a meal. No proof, jmho.
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    Good neighbors, what a blessing!

    Tuesday night while I was doing my evening chores, I felt something "pop" in my left foot. The pain was extreme, to the point of almost passing out. I spent Wednesday at the VA finding out I have a dislocated bone in the arch of my left foot. The Doc thinks it will go back in with the taking of...
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    Green Hedge

    There are literally thousands of hedge posts in this area. I have set alot of them, pulled a fair amount and burnt a bunch of old ones at hog roasts, but I have never seen one that turned green. Two years ago I had one that had been in the ground 40+ years, then laid in a post pile another 10 or...
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    Good Sunday Mornin'

    Thank you for that, Shortgrass. It's been a long time since I've seen the Truth of the Gospel put so eloquently, yet with such simplicity. A Good Sunday morning to you as well.
  5. B

    Hairy vetch

    I have a pasture that had gone weedy over a number of years, so i killed it out with round-up and plowed it under. I plan to seed it to cereal rye and hairy vetch in August, then frost seed orchard grass and red clover into it in February. Once the rye is grazed off in the late spring I hope to...
  6. B

    New Music?

    I've grown tired of the "canned" country music that is coming out of Nashville these days and started digging around for something different. If you're shopping at the itunes store, check out the group Montana Rose. Their CD My Time is a breath of fresh air with a genuine country twist. Also...
  7. B

    July 18, 2011

    Nice pictures of some of your everday work, interesting Soapweed, thanks.
  8. B

    Anyone know?

    I have a friend in the Ouchita mountains of western Arkansas that had a big tom lion move in on her commercial sheep/ goat herd. The lion was picking off 2-3 sheep a week and was killing a guardian dog about every time it came in. One night the lion came in and apparently the dogs had had...
  9. B

    Anyone know?

    That is true. These dogs have been bred/used for 5000-8000 years to do their job. If they have the instinct in them, u cant stop them from doing their job. Gcreek, sometimes in the rough country of the river bluffs, I'll run three together, i guarantee that is a force not many predators want to...
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    Anyone know?

    The reasons to use two dogs together are two fold. First you have twice the dog power. Second, if they have the instinct of good guardian dogs, one will become the "night dog" that patrols the peremiter during the night while the "day dog" rests and backs up the night dog. During the day they...
  11. B

    got your CDL?

    I still have the state CDL, that's not the problem. It's the FEDERAL Dot medical examiners card I no longer qaulify for, but thanks for the info George. You are probably right, it' not worth the trouble, I can still haul my livestock, and alot of the people on the roads in this part of the...
  12. B

    got your CDL?

    This sounds like bad news to me. I've had a big enough license to drive a truck since '76 and a CDL since '95. Then came the DOT medical card requirement. Have a blind spot in the center vision of the right eye. Had it since'91. They just kept tightening the qualifications until now i can't pass...