I don't imagine we would be seeing any of this suffering if the stranded people were white, because they wouldn't be there. They are there because they are black and they are poor. Racism is so embedded in the american psyche that the poor black population wasn't even considered when evacuation was called for. All the authorities cared about were the people who could evacuate on their own, mostly whute people.
Ask yourself this; why didn't the authorities have a plan for evacuating the poor people? Maybe because they would rather have them killed? Think of the money the government will save not having to help these people.
The US makes me sick.
It's this type of attitude that breeds racism.
Consider the reality of this situation.
There was litterally THOUSANDS of victims that first endured a hurricane and then endured flooding. That in itself is going to lead to a rescue effort of a magnitude that this nation has never experienced before.
It's so easy to sit and blame when you are not faced with the realities of the situation. Armchair experts is right.
This was the largest natural disaster in the history of this nation so how can anyone think it's possible to rescue, feed, and get clean water to that many homeless people within a day when there is so many people who have not yet been rescued? GET REAL!
A lot of the problems that were not addressed in a timely manner was because there was problems being addressed of higher priority. It was more important to rescue folks from rooftops than feed and water those who were already rescued.
There was so many leaving the city that it was difficult to get in. There was no power or communication to get the word out on ALL the resources that were needed. There was no plumbing which led to further problems.
The logistics of having all these compounded problems at the same time, with minorities that are used to blaming someone else for their problems, lead to total chaos.
Doesn't matter what color those people were, THERE WERE LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF THEM that all needed saving at the same time under extremely difficult conditions for rescue efforts.
Can't some of you understand the logistics of this situation?
There is only so many helicopters and so many boats available at one time. The people in the domes that needed food and water were second in priority to those who needed to be rescued. That's the story that is not being told.
Of course the liberal media is going to play this "poor me" race card for all it's worth and drag the war into it.
I guess these left wing administration blamers would rather have our troops fighting terrorism at home instead of abroad while we split our resources between subway bombings, burning skyscrapers, and flood victims. NOW THERE'S A REAL SOLUTION!
BUSH BLAMERS.......sheeesh!
It's so easy to sit back, watch CNN, and play the race card when you are not faced with the reality of the situation.
Naturally the poor black people would blame society for forgetting them while the helicopters and boats were busy rescuing their relatives. Blame is second nature to these folks.
Just consider the logistics of hundreds of stranded folks on roof tops and the time it takes to get to all of them in the air and in boats.
These folks chose to stay and yes, maybe some of them couldn't leave but I sure see a lot of stranded cars sitting under water. I'd have to beleive that some of those cars still ran. They blame the government for not being able to get to all of them at the same time.
It was not safe to rescue many of these victims from helicopter INITIALLY due to the strong winds.
It was not safe to rescue many of them due to those who were shot at for helping.
THE POLICEMAN THAT REMAINED ON DUTY WERE BUSY DEFENDING THEIR STATION??? Does that tell you anything about the dangers being faced?
Unless we were there, we can't possibly understand the logistics of this situation. Many of the excuses for the amount of time it took are legitimate.
Many of these folks chose to live in a flood zone and they chose to stay when they were warned to leave.