The sad thing is we, the US, have created some of this situation...Fourth and Fifth generation welfare families that are upset because the government isn't doing enough- because they have lived off the government for so long they have forgotten how to provide for or help themselves in any way- unless thru criminal means- many of which have probably lived their entire lives in those housing projects...Some of those I saw on TV were so spaced out on drugs, they probably don't even know a hurricane occurred....Many only existed from day to day before the disaster ...
I feel for the elderly, sick, and crippled- there truly are needy there and a bunch of these animals are keeping them from being helped- but as far as those that are complaing because they only got water, crackers, and sandwichs to eat- one gal was complaining about the government because they hadn't had a warm meal in the Superdome, complaining the food wasn't fit to eat (probably wasn't take out from Mickie D's or KFC)- I looked at her and wondered how many times she had gone a week or two without eating while on a crack high...
The looting, raping, and killing wasn't caused by the disaster- its the same people that do it daily just taking advantage of the situation...For years now we've needed to take back our inner cities- but that would probably violate someones civil rights- and we're too busy spending money on aiding and policing the world ..........
RIght ON Oldtimer......this situation could happen in any US city without a disaster. Get people hungry, thirsty, and unable to care for their famalies and you will have bloodshed. This country is being held hostage by the OIL Companies. If you think you had to have some numbers to get a Ag Operating loan last year.....you ain't seen nothing yet. !!!!!!!!