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  1. C

    Is there still a cattle cycle, Sandhusker?

    I was a good boy again this year so Santa rewarded me well :wink:
  2. C

    Korean Court rules in Favor of US Beef

    Maybe it would just be easier to grow Ducks :shock:
  3. C

    Is there still a cattle cycle, Sandhusker?

    In my area you could grass feed or grain as there are Manitobans allready producing grass fed product. It all boils down to lowest cost of production, doesn't matter where on Earth you produce the product. If grain prices tank cattle feeders will feed grain or cheap grain by products.Local...
  4. C

    Is there still a cattle cycle, Sandhusker?

    :oops: took my pills and feel better now Merry Christmas everyone :)
  5. C

    Is there still a cattle cycle, Sandhusker?

    8) I can explain the Canadian Cattle Cycle for you . Well in the last 10 years we've had 5 poor years followed with 5 %&^#$ poor years with a projection of 5 more really #$%^# poor years until the cycle turns around :!: I laugh at all these economists who project a year long recesssion that...
  6. C

    BI- Directional or front wheel assist??

    Had a MXU 125 for a few days while my old 2096 was being fixed. Great visibility and turning but not the best for shifting. Had to change ranges all the time. The one -35 moring it woundn't start without a boost but the tractor beside it ( 30 years old ) started on the first flip. Had to tease...
  7. C

    My Turn

    This cold weather is sure great for fixin things. Neighbor helped me take tractor tire off and load on truck. Got to town and tire shop had their Bay Door stuck open . While me and another guy worked on their door the tire guy fixed my tire in -20 weather in his shop. When he finnished I asked...
  8. C

    backwards calves

    Limos have them too. And when you come across a set of live twins usually one of those guys came the hard way. How often do you find a new calf whos raddling a little bit. Can't say whether it happens any more now then when dad ran Blacks or the Chars :-)
  9. C

    Cull cows

    Its been a few since guys made money doing the bred heifer thing. Bred heifers a year from now might be the ticket N.R.
  10. C

    Congratulations Kansas ?

    The Boys in Ottawa needed a break. After all they had been at work for a full 2 weeks :roll: No Parliment is still better than one run by the 3 stooges :x
  11. C

    Mineral $

    Is the price for mineral dropping yet ? A Local Feedrite dealer still wants $40 per bag of 1-1 . Should be cheaper to make that stuff now right :???:
  12. C

    Just A Thought

    My new neighbors ( the guys with the horse and buggys) are from your area Aaron. They have spent the last two years buying up every old 3 titted swing bagged nut case cow in the area. Is that the way they opperated in your country :???: Bet you can't guess whos pasture they end up in when they...
  13. C

    Grazing Corn = deer + beer

    After all that Popcorn deer I looked more like Bearzilla :lol:
  14. C

    Grazing Corn = deer + beer

    :lol: Seems everyone around here likes grazing corn Me , the Cows, the Corn Seed Salesman, oh and my Deer Hunting buddies from town. Seen that I feed the deer all year round one way or another my town friends invited me to a deer fry the other night. Apon inspection of the hanging deer it was...
  15. C

    Hold on all!

    :roll: Yea go figer Our Banks are the most stable of the G8 We haven't run a Deficit in years. Our unemployment is still very low and the papers are still full of help wanted, not to mention business windows. Yet U.S.A. dollars are the ones eveybody wants. Must be the Trillions of $ that your...
  16. C

    Friday's Fotos (mo pics added)

    Your pictures look nice and warm. Been -20 here a couple of morns already bare trees and snow.
  17. C

    TRADE ....... WHY ?

    That just means your Senate has no clout because the deal went through anyway. Hell if we had to rely on our Senate for progress you would still have to take the Stagecoach from Winnipeg to Calgary and our GM employees would be cutting trees for the wheels :roll:
  18. C

    Cardon Credits

    :P Thus the circle is complete. They pay you for carbon sinks then kick you between the legs and grab the cheque back if you have cows. But if you sell the Cows let the farm go to weeds and open a quaint little Bed and Breakfest all will be O.K. :mad: :mad:
  19. C

    Cardon Credits

    :?: I see nobody has come on and said They have gotten a cheque . Cource in a Con Game there would not be a paper trail :lol: :lol:
  20. C

    Cardon Credits

    You just proved my point Ben . You may already have good management practises but not get much of a reward. So you plow up the North 40 and get it blowing onto the fenceline them seed it back down. All of a sudden we are great keepers of the land and can qualify for a cheque :lol: er minus the...