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redriver said:
Mike rancher,
Spoken like a true inbred southerner. I don't really hate americans, just their attitude that they can do anything they please, rip off their friends, lie to get agreements then break those agreements, kill innocent people in other countries to steal their resources, etc. etc. Do you ever wonder why the world hates americans so much? Maybe it's because you are such assholes.

Red, Your inability to defend your self-contradiction and reverting to name calling has now called into question your intelligence, or lack of. Care to show another flaw? You are losing, 2 out of 2. Go ahead, the floor is yours.
Like Rush Limbaugh says: "This is like arguing with half my brain tied behind my back".

Jessie said:
Silver... I have read and reread your posts and truth be told, the comment about the border staying closed being a good option... sorry qoute not word for word.....Any whos thought uh hello r ya there.
I have now reread them and am thinking the meaning is Canadain cattle men and women should not put all their eggs into one basket again?
Is this correct.

That is kinda the long and the short of it Jessie. I would really hate to see the border open and everything go back just like it was. If we want stability going forward I think being able to slaughter our own domestic production and broadening our customer base are key points to consider.
Short term pain vs. long term gain????
RobertMac said:
Also like Rush says...when someone is intent on making a fool of theirself, get out of their way. :lol: :p :lol: :p :lol:

That's right, forgot that one! Funny how all the people who downgrade the U.S. has always got their hand out for something?
Mike, quoting a pos like Rush doesn't make you look very intelligent. Like I said, it is people like you and Rush, not to mention Bush, that causes people to hate the US. When are you morons going to learn? It's just too bad that the twin towers weren't full of losers like you. There were too many good people lost in that revenge attack.[/b]
redriver said:
Mike, quoting a pos like Rush doesn't make you look very intelligent. Like I said, it is people like you and Rush, not to mention Bush, that causes people to hate the US. When are you morons going to learn? It's just too bad that the twin towers weren't full of losers like you. There were too many good people lost in that revenge attack.[/b]

I'm afraid the game is up Red. You have nothing to bring to the table. It must be terrible to not have the "Cerebral Capacity" for debate without name calling. Must have had to quit school in the 5th grade, eh? I'm sorry, I had no way of knowing. :oops:
Mike said:
redriver said:
Mike, quoting a pos like Rush doesn't make you look very intelligent. Like I said, it is people like you and Rush, not to mention Bush, that causes people to hate the US. When are you morons going to learn? It's just too bad that the twin towers weren't full of losers like you. There were too many good people lost in that revenge attack.[/b]

I'm afraid the game is up Red. You have nothing to bring to the table. It must be terrible to not have the "Cerebral Capacity" for debate without name calling. Must have had to quit school in the 5th grade, eh? I'm sorry, I had no way of knowing. :oops:

Mike- Just for info--redriver has been and still is banned from some other talk sites because of his outright bashing of the US and Americans--that and his misuse of the English language and vocabulary :roll: ..... Kind of a Canadian Nebrusker.... :wink: :lol:
Mike, just for your info, my IQ is 130 and I graduated from university on the dean's honour role. The problem is that I am smart enough to see through all the lies and deceipt that comes from the mouths of americans. Now, either you're just being very patriotic in defense of your disgusting country, or you're just plain stupid. I'd say it's 50/50, as there are lots of foolishly patriotic people in the US, just look at the poor bastards getting themselves killed in Iraq for nothing, but there are a ton of uneducated morons as well. Which are you, foolish or stupid?[/b]
redriver said:
Mike, just for your info, my IQ is 130 and I graduated from university on the dean's honour role. The problem is that I am smart enough to see through all the lies and deceipt that comes from the mouths of americans. Now, either you're just being very patriotic in defense of your disgusting country, or you're just plain stupid. I'd say it's 50/50, as there are lots of foolishly patriotic people in the US, just look at the poor bastards getting themselves killed in Iraq for nothing, but there are a ton of uneducated morons as well. Which are you, foolish or stupid?[/b]

Sure you did! Too bad the dean didn't teach you to spell correctly. The word is deceit - NOT "deceipt". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Even funnier is that the "P" on the keyboard is far enough away from the "T" to keep it from being a typo! :roll: :roll: :roll:
You've lost 4 out of 4 now so far. Care to try for 5?
Were you the 5th grade spelling bee champion at the "University" too? :roll:
If that's all you got for a response, it indicates your level of intelligence, mine is not in question. You definitely qualify as one of the americans who bring on a foul taste in people's mouths. I've had the misfortune to run into lots of your kind in my travels, and nobody appreciates your stupidity.[/b]
Red River
I don't mind so much when the Americans on this forum make outrageous statements (Hat, Taint, Nebrusker and a handful of R-calf zealots) cuz it gives me something to laugh about. You, my fellow Canadian, are embarrassing. I still stand by my one and only post prior to this.
The fine men and women in uniform from nations around the world are fighting terrorism so you have the freedom to post your garbage. If you said the same with these terrorist in control, they would cut your head off.

Isn't it about time, Macon????
Lots of times I do not agree with some views posted here. However, I don't believe in burning my bridges behind me.

redriver, you are not only burning your bridges, you are burning other people's, too! Get a grip, learn some self-control and stop embarrassing the other Canadians on this board.

Your approach is not the Canadian way.
Maple Leaf Angus said:
Lots of times I do not agree with some views posted here. However, I don't believe in burning my bridges behind me.

redriver, you are not only burning your bridges, you are burning other people's, too! Get a grip, learn some self-control and stop embarrassing the other Canadians on this board.

Your approach is not the Canadian way.

Maple Leaf Angus,
All of the Canadian cattle people I have met and talked to in person have been really nice people and I, for one, would never let a jerk like redriver influence my opinion of all Canadians. It's good to see some Canadians step up to denounce that kind of post just as I did with Nebusker.
RM - I regret that it was necessary.

Hey I just noticed that you are from MIssissippi. I've got friends around Macon, which I think is 1/2 hr. south of Columbus (unless my memory is totally deserting me). Is that anywhere close to you?
Redriver, YOu haven't a clue as to what Mike is. If you would look back on some of his postings you would see that he is imformative and very well based on all subjects. Shame on you and it's time for Macon to give you the axe. Evan though we are from differant countries and states, we are Ranchernet family. And I guarrentee you have bitten off more than you can chew. So take a long walk off a short bridge.
Maple Leaf Angus,
I don't think that I need any lecturing from some leech from Ontario. Easterners aren't much higher on the evolutionary scale than the red-neck americans who irritate the world.
My approach is not the "Canadian way"? What exactly is the "Canadian way"? To bend over for the US while we get screwed time and time again? Their illegal trade actions and other bullshit have cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars, and you expect me to bend over even farther? They run around the world interfering in sovereign nations governments and killing innocent people, and you expect me to applaud them? They lie, cheat, and backstab, and you expect me to call them friend.
It ain't gonna happen.
Well, I'm getting in late on this post (because I've been out haying), but I have to agree with the rest of the Canadians on here. redriver, you are truly an embarassment! Sure I don't agree with everything that I read on here from every American, but I don't stoop to namecalling. What's the point? There's alot of very nice people on here, and Mike is one of them.

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