Tone it down and stick around.
Not every American producer supports the lying, backstabbing, isolationist antics of R-CULT. I certainly don't!
Don't paint all Americans with such a broad brush.
RM: "All of the Canadian cattle people I have met and talked to in person have been really nice people and I, for one, would never let a jerk like redriver influence my opinion of all Canadians."
But that sure wouldn't stop you from supporting a lying, deceptive outfit like R-CULT that would outwardly claim Canadian beef is "high risk" because they had BSE in their native herd then turn around and claim "U.S. beef is the safest in the world" after we had BSE in our native herd considering that the BSE precuationary measures of both countries are the same.
You bet Robert, pat the Canadians on the back with one hand and hand R-CALF a $50 with the other hand so they can lie about the safety of their beef. What a hypocrite!
RM: "SH, every country has the right to mark imports by country of origin(including live cattle) and have the country of origin identified to the consumer."
Precisely why we don't need this flawed, unjustified law.
RM: "In every poll of USA consumers, the vast majority want to know country of origin of their food."
That's not true! The latest poll I saw proved the Country of Origin is way down the list of consumer priorities. If that wasn't true, Walmart would not be in the position they are today with their foreign products.
The obvious is that if consumers wanted country of origin, they would be falling all over themselves to buy source verified branded beef products and retailers would be providing them.
RM: "Then why isn't all imported beef labeled to the consumer???"
1. Consumers aren't asking for it.
2. Most imported beef is blended with our 50/50 trim TO ADD VALUE TO IT. What value does a "BLENDED BEEF" label have? NONE!
RM: "Formula pricing and price differentiation between prime and standard does not establish live cattle market vs. demand does...and buyers always buy as cheap as possible."
Formula and grid pricing may not establish the base price but it establishes price premiums for certain carcass specifications.
Buyers can only buy as cheaply as their competition allows them.
The obvious is that live cattle prices track with boxed beef prices.