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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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If I understood the report I just heard on CNN this past hour........Rescue workers attempting to rescue hospital patients using boats were having people turning these boats over ????????????What kind of morons do this when people are trying to resuce the ill and elderly????? They even stole the generator that provided communication abilities for these hero's attempting to rescue hospital patients. :mad: What in the hell are people thinking. If they want to loot the damm stores who cares! But to intfer with rescue of hospital patients is unbelievable......
Let me ride shotgun!!! Some people just are of no value to society and need to be taken out!
Now they are having to pull the police off of search and rescue just to deal with looters. How many stranded people will die because of it???

The way they are talking on the news, it won't be long before the disease sets in, and it'll make today look like a cakewalk in comparison. Move the civilians out to somewhere with some shelter and food, and let those who are ready to help the recover do their work. It'll go so much faster.

It must be so overwhelming for everyone .... it just breaks your heart to watch it. The psychological scars are going to be deep.

Sounds like it's time to get everyone out of there! Everyone. :!:
FEMA is in as bad a state of preparedness as USDA. They should be able to figure some way to get food and water to those in need. Seems like rescue boats and helicopters to could haul food and water in and dump them as they haul the evacuees out. We did a much better job of helping sunomi victums than our own in New Orleans. New Orleans was an accident waiting to happen. They should have been better prepared for this. On a scale of 1 to 10, I think I'd rate FEMA'S response a 0. Think what would happen if something bigger happened. My heart goes out to those heroic Doctors and Nurses that coped with helping with sick and disable people to the best of their ability. Seems like we could have given them more help.
It's truly a sad state of affairs.

Now the world can see just what kind of animals we have within the human race.

~s***'s truly a sad state of affairs. Now the world can see just what kind of animals we have within the human race. ~SH~[/quote said:
Yup. A local Red Cross director told me just this morning that donations are way down from expectations. He attributes it to the news coverage of the looting and violence and the general public being disgusted with those actions. The actions of the looters is gonna wind up hurting the needy.

Shooting at a rescue helicopter and turning rescue boats over ain't helping either. They announced a "By Any Means Necessary" regulation to protect ones life and property there yesterday.

"Animals" might be too good a description for those folks!

I expect New Orleans to be under "Martial Law Orders" today. But when the police are caught looting who is the "Marshall"?
Sure is easy to be an "arm-chair quarterback" on this deal.

Before we castigate the officials and the relief efforts, maybe we should stop to think that, not being there, we really don't know a heck of a lot.

The media is little help. Sensationalism sells!

Prayers certainly can't hurt, nor can donations to reputable agencies.

Maybe any looters other than those carrying out food in dire situations should be shot! Martial law seems to be a necissity if what we are seeing and hearing has any validity.

Then we need to consider the "normal" reputation of too much of New Orleans. There have to be many good people there, too, and I truly feel sorry for them all.

Yes, out of Iraq and back to help the people who actually need the help. How many wake up calls does this igrorant asshole need????????

What are you saying here, that the people that were killed every day in Iraq by a tyrant didn't need help?

Who are you to choose who are the important people, and who are not?

Maybe you didn't notice, but the problems in Iraq are man made, and we as humans have some control over that.

Natural disasters are not man-made, no control on these ones. Unless you think Bush created the hurricane also, by creating global warming by being in office for four years!

Horseman, we should start calling you "Horse's Ass Man"
I do not understand why the were no provisions for the poor, sick, and elderly to be evacuated before the hurricane hit.
I would wonder if they couldn't send in some tri-axle cattle trucks for the able bodied evacuees, just for the sheer volume of people they could carry. After all the evacuees are corraled in the Superdome, living in their own filth. I'd rather take a cattle trailer out and ride in well ventilated discomfort than wait for tour busses that seem to be non-existant, and then only hold a small number of people. Its hard to imagine a civilized society sinking so rapidly into anarchy!
not only are rescue boats being overturned, but rescue choppers are being shot at and assaults and the reports of rape are rampant!!!!
??????time for the national guard or some other form of "martial law"???
my heart truly goes to those who are in need and are continuing to abide by the law and remain ethical!!! They cannot even safely evacuate the many folks who are stranded in the New Orleans hospitals!!!! How sad :(
The sad thing is we, the US, have created some of this situation...Fourth and Fifth generation welfare families that are upset because the government isn't doing enough- because they have lived off the government for so long they have forgotten how to provide for or help themselves in any way- unless thru criminal means- many of which have probably lived their entire lives in those housing projects...Some of those I saw on TV were so spaced out on drugs, they probably don't even know a hurricane occurred....Many only existed from day to day before the disaster ...

I feel for the elderly, sick, and crippled- there truly are needy there and a bunch of these animals are keeping them from being helped- but as far as those that are complaing because they only got water, crackers, and sandwichs to eat- one gal was complaining about the government because they hadn't had a warm meal in the Superdome, complaining the food wasn't fit to eat (probably wasn't take out from Mickie D's or KFC)- I looked at her and wondered how many times she had gone a week or two without eating while on a crack high...

The looting, raping, and killing wasn't caused by the disaster- its the same people that do it daily just taking advantage of the situation...For years now we've needed to take back our inner cities- but that would probably violate someones civil rights- and we're too busy spending money on aiding and policing the world ..........
I feel bad for a lot of those people down there. As they said in the beggining the majority of them are so poor they dont own a car and couldnt leave if they wanted to. Another bunch knowing how the town is stayed to protect their property and lost their lives doing it. The rest are very bad people who started out looting for water and food and have escalated in to what the hell nobody is gonna stop us? Until its out of control. I agree they should of had the guard there before it hit but i do not realize anyone ever dreamed it would actually happen to this magnitude. They have 500 buses hauling those people to texas. Over 1000 helicopters down there. And i forget how many other help that has arrived. But when you tackle a disaster of this magnitude where would you start on a city of that size? Just remember the day after the storm eveything was fine untill the levee broke. Thats when New Orleans was finished off. We had 75 electric trucks leave here yesterday morning headed there. Good friends of mine are down there for the long haul and were told to be ready for 12 to 20 hour days for at least 2 months. I feel sometimes this week (when i was stuck in the house watching t.v. all day because of the 4 inches of rain we got from it ) that the government wasant doing enough? But than i look at the whole picture. How could you do enough in 2 or 3 days with a city that size and that many people? And with that much water and with everything within 30 or 50 miles wiped out? You couldnt I couldnt nobody could. I feel they are doing there best with what they have. Which wasant much but getting better everyday. Lord bless those people who lost their lives down there and spank the looters on the ass. Just my opinion never right never wrong!

The sad thing is we, the US, have created some of this situation...Fourth and Fifth generation welfare families that are upset because the government isn't doing enough- because they have lived off the government for so long they have forgotten how to provide for or help themselves in any way- unless thru criminal means- many of which have probably lived their entire lives in those housing projects...Some of those I saw on TV were so spaced out on drugs, they probably don't even know a hurricane occurred....Many only existed from day to day before the disaster ...

I feel for the elderly, sick, and crippled- there truly are needy there and a bunch of these animals are keeping them from being helped- but as far as those that are complaing because they only got water, crackers, and sandwichs to eat- one gal was complaining about the government because they hadn't had a warm meal in the Superdome, complaining the food wasn't fit to eat (probably wasn't take out from Mickie D's or KFC)- I looked at her and wondered how many times she had gone a week or two without eating while on a crack high...

The looting, raping, and killing wasn't caused by the disaster- its the same people that do it daily just taking advantage of the situation...For years now we've needed to take back our inner cities- but that would probably violate someones civil rights- and we're too busy spending money on aiding and policing the world ..........

RIght ON Oldtimer......this situation could happen in any US city without a disaster. Get people hungry, thirsty, and unable to care for their famalies and you will have bloodshed. This country is being held hostage by the OIL Companies. If you think you had to have some numbers to get a Ag Operating loan last year.....you ain't seen nothing yet. !!!!!!!!
I don't imagine we would be seeing any of this suffering if the stranded people were white, because they wouldn't be there. They are there because they are black and they are poor. Racism is so embedded in the american psyche that the poor black population wasn't even considered when evacuation was called for. All the authorities cared about were the people who could evacuate on their own, mostly whute people.
Ask yourself this; why didn't the authorities have a plan for evacuating the poor people? Maybe because they would rather have them killed? Think of the money the government will save not having to help these people.
The US makes me sick.
Certainly the past 150-plus years of New Orleans history of political graft, corruption, and moral decay couldn't have any effect, could it?

How many generations of the more recent Liberal and Democrat practices of building constituencies of poor people who are kept dependent upon welfare and shown and told who is helping them in every election campaign before being bussed to the poling places to "vote right" are now part of the "poor" in New Orleans?

How much of this mis-management of preparedness and response, and failure to design and build adequate infrastructure (levees, bridges) is due to the corruption, kick-backs, etc. resulting in deficient construction of that infrastructure?

How much is due to the zoning regulations ( and probable graft in following them) placing people in dangerous living circumstances, even housing not built to reasonable flood and wind resistant construction standards?

How much is due to the fact that people in many places have the right to choose to own and live on land dangerously prone to severe flooding? Do we want to take away such rights to "protect us from ourselves"?

How much of the problems are due simply to the inefficiencies of bloated bureaucracies? And how much better off would those people be if local and state governments were responsible for taking care of those issues rather than the people sending their money off to Washington, DC and asking federal government to come back and take care of them in emergencies? OBVIOUSLY, the latter will take much more time and be far less knowledgeable of local needs and conditions.

But it is so much easier and more satisfying to blame those further from home for all the ills in such situations, isn't it?

redriver said:
I don't imagine we would be seeing any of this suffering if the stranded people were white, because they wouldn't be there. They are there because they are black and they are poor. Racism is so embedded in the american psyche that the poor black population wasn't even considered when evacuation was called for. All the authorities cared about were the people who could evacuate on their own, mostly whute people.
Ask yourself this; why didn't the authorities have a plan for evacuating the poor people? Maybe because they would rather have them killed? Think of the money the government will save not having to help these people.
The US makes me sick.

You need to study these pictures, Redriver. I don't see many black people, or white welfare people that are not 50-100#'s over weight that are complaining about the situation. Lots are poor as they choose to be that way, how about all these packer jobs we have to import people to do, they sure can work if they wanted to. How about save some of that welfare money they spent on fast foods to have gotten a bus ticket out of town with the others. They are used to the government taking care of them, we missed a week and now they are pissed. There are many that really need the help down there and then there are many that don't. When it comes time to build back there welfare houses, they should be out there with sweat building them or cleaning up the city to get there next welfare handout. I am glad you live north if the US makes you sick as I am sure you would be on welfare down here they way you think. Talk about Racism, many blacks are more racist against the white people that work and have money than white people against the black people that work and have money. I am very racist about any person no matter the color that is able to work and chooses welfare instead. :mad:


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