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What's the weather like at your place?

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Yes, it's awesome so far!! Rain gauge had a 1/2" this morning but I hadn't emptied it from the rain on friday. Still I'm sure well over .25" this morning as it's running through the corral, and it's coming down nice and steady. Thank you Lord!
It is pouring here. I just went to the post office and there is standing water everywhere. Wood Glutch which runs water maybe one day a year is running already and more water to come. I didn't go out to check the rain gauge. I didn't want to get soaked just to how much it has rained. I will wait until it stops.
The rain gauge out in the wife's garden has 3.5 inches. She says that she dumped it after the last rain. I don't know if that is correct but that is how much water there is in it. I know that everything is saturated. Not going to have to irrigate for a while.
Holy cow!! We had 1 3/4 which we thought was amazing.
Holy cow!! We had 1 3/4 which we thought was amazing.
You are further toward the edge if it. I am closer to the center. I know that I looked at the weather radar a couple of times and everything here came up yellow on the radar. I am wondering what the river is going to look like this morning.
First moisture since May this morning. It has been sprinkling for 3 hours now and has helped clear the air from extreme hazardous to just unhealthy. For the first time in 3 days, my windows are open and the AC is off.

So far the rain gauge shows just unmeasurable dampness, whether using metric or USA.

Staying in fashion for the area, the wind started blowing, drying the moisture fast as it hit the ground.

I am searching the internet this AM for a rain gauge with a magnifier on it so I can give y'all a report.

Wishing my yard decorating burro, Haysus, wasn't made of cement so I could throw some survival packs on my ass and haul tail out of this desert, heading south, and board the ark before it is full.
I was questioning the wife's 3.5 inches. Then this morning at the post office a guy from the other side of the freeway said he got 3.25inches. So I guess the wife's rain gauge was right.
Hopefully it primed the pump. We got another .20" this afternoon
No pump priming here. When it was done, it was done. Nice day today and the grass was dry because of the west wind that blows here. It did cool down the temp and made for a pleasant rural no dust walk this morning and then for a comfortable 2 hour lawn mowing.

So nice to have clear air and the only issue is the fall pollen that seems to be early this year. Anyone else noticed an alarming number of spiders claiming squatters rights? They build back webs I tear down the afternoon before, across my back door, by the next morning.
We sorted and worked the calves. Hauled 117 calves to my corral. Sorted the cows by owner and shipped 119 cows off to the plant. Started a little before 7:00 and I got done at 2:45. At one point B said it is too hot for an old fat man. I agreed. And I am 18 years older and fat too. It is 103 today. To hot to be working and weaning calves.
What's the name of the plant where you kill them out there?

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