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    Have photos lost in cyberspace. I know I'll feel like an idiot later but thanks for any help.
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    Hey Ned Jr. & Yanuck

    Wait till that Angus Cattle Shower kid sees this thing.
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    What was everyone's first vehicle?

    62 Olds 88. That thing was a tank. Wife had a 62 covair sure wish we had it back.
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    The Vet solves a problem

    HOW RUDE. :shock: :shock: :) :)
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    State Fair

    Anybody going to the IL State Fair this week be sure to stop by and see us. See you all after the fair. Homestead Farms
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    You are evil!!! But I love it!!! Keep up the good work. :D :D :D
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    Is there any word from Judith or Mrs Greg? Was wandering about the cell phone trick?
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    Lilly....I thought everything was BIGGER in Texas

    Now you got me. gotta get mom to fry me up some mush. Good stuff fried mush with real maple syrup.
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    Lilly....I thought everything was BIGGER in Texas

    It doesn't matter pond, or river raised catfish is #1 in my book. But I also like salmon, waleye, bluegill, crappie, bass, trout, and some I can't think of right now. Of course (angus) beef is really the best. :D
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    Kansas scenic highway

    Wifes brother had a mobile home up there. Her folks also lived in Wichita at the time so that is where we stayed when visiting.
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    Kansas scenic highway

    Jigs that would be the reservior. And you bet we'll drop you a line next trip.
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    kidnapping seemed to be one of the favorites. They kidnapped my mother and left her at the neighbors who weren't home. took dad 2hrs to find her. They still laugh about it.
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    Kansas scenic highway

    I've never lived there but married a gal raised there and I like Kansas. On way to Colo. Springs we travel Rt36 and some of the best people anywhere are along that hiway. Marion Lake has some of the best fishing I've seen. And we can't forget all the fun to be had in Witchita and KC.
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    You might be old if --

    Sure glad there's no ice cream trucks around here cause I can relate to that story. :roll: :roll:
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    remember the 60's?

    Here's a few more for all of you youngsters. I came across this phrase yesterday… "FENDER SKIRTS". A term I haven't heard in a long time and thinking about "fender skirts" started me thinking about other words that quietly disappear from our language with hardly a notice like "curb...
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    remember the 60's?

    Only the real oldies will remember what a green river is. Only place I know to get one is the soda shop on the Indiana State Fairgrounds.
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    Judith...better late then never

    Happy B-day from all of us here on the Homestead. You are sure welcome to come on down to our daughters B-day party Sunday. Hers is today and we always celebrate with lots of corned beef and cabbage.
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    Talking Urinal Cakes

    Where can I get one of those things Mrs Greg? I know of about 100 places I'd like to put it. Just way to cool. :twisted: :twisted:
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    Voting Advice

    Your avator says Bureau co. did you move? I live in Fulton co.
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    Voting Advice

    We get Peoria and Quad cities and your right don't remember any senate ads. May have to start up the Forgotonia campaign again just to make our votes count (anything south of Cook co.).