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Heck I help my wife out all the time I eat what she cooks and wear what she washes and once in awhile I even put my dishes in the sink. Then for enjoyment I let work cattle. Dang she's lucky! 8)
theHiredMansWife said:
My question was why men are usually applauded for it. Women aren't. And if that doesn't happen in your part of the world, you must live in a far more liberal corner than i do. :)

Really, in all honesty, I think you are in the more liberal end of things. The way you call your husband your lesser half, I mean really. I'm not trying to pick a fight. And maybe I stuck my nose where it doesn't belong but the whole lesser half thing really bothers me.

hubby is patted on the back for doing dishes and changing diapers here simply to show my gratitude. He is the sole bread winner in this house. I keep the house, make the meals, and make sure the kids and hubby have everything they need handy. That is my job. With out him I would be a wreck. We each have our "chores" to do. BUT, if he askes me to help I will with no hesitation. Same goes if I ask for help. He is in no way my lesser half. We see each other as equal partners. Partners in the farm, the rearing of the kids, the finances, and each others happiness.

Hubby has recently been buggered up and all but confined to the house for the past 2 weeks with torn ligaments in his back. I helped him do anything and everything he asked. Brought him anything he needed. I also did all the chores. He is up and around today for the first time except for doctor's appointments. He doesn't need to repay me for the past 2 weeks. It is my job. The fact that he is healthy is more than enough. But, tonight he has arranged for his mother to keep the kids for a few hours.
We are not going to town, however, we are going to get a pizza and set in the pasture and watch the heavy bred cows mill around. Something we have not been able to do together in almost a month. And yes, he will be applauded for the effort.
Sorry for straying even further off topic.
Really, in all honesty, I think you are in the more liberal end of things.
Actually, if you'll look at my statement again, that's not what I said. I said liberal part of the country. Ie, I live in a really conservative part of the country and it's still something to be applauded when a guy "helps around the house".
The way you call your husband your lesser half, I mean really. I'm not trying to pick a fight. And maybe I stuck my nose where it doesn't belong but the whole lesser half thing really bothers me.
That's okay. The board bullies put me in my place about a month ago for my audacity. :lol:
Though I do have to say, I find it really odd how many people think they need to comment. I've never even considered voicing an opinion on something like this unless I was asked...

hubby is patted on the back for doing dishes and changing diapers here simply to show my gratitude.
Again, that wasn't really my question. i'm talking about the response of other people. Like i said, it drove him up the wall when people would act all impressed that he was an equal opportunity parent.
Acutually, if anything, it's more puzzling. If it's really this common, the balancing of chores and such, how could we possibly have seemed so unusual?
theHiredMansWife said:
Though I do have to say, I find it really odd how many people think they need to comment. I've never even considered voicing an opinion on something like this unless I was asked...

So now I have to be asked before I can voice my opinion on a public forum?
definately not, but you might consider asking before you make assumptions.
It's an old joke between my husband and I. He pointed out one day that if I'm his better half (which most people in our part of the world refer to a man's wife as his better half) then he must be the lesser half. It stuck. :)
and considering how many first/second-calf heifer jokes I endured, (and still endure, he thought they were so good), fairs fair.
I don't know about you, but humor is a big part of my marriage. We figured out many moons ago that it'd probably be healthier that way.
cert---just read your comment on your hubby being "buggered up" with his back and all.....sure hope he is doing okay!! my hubby also hurt his back awhile ago and he was simply miserable! :? Prayers are with the both of you.....take the time and enjoy your time with him while the kids are gone and you can enjoy the sunset and the pizza!! :wink: :wink: :wink: 8)
theHiredMansWife said:
The way you call your husband your lesser half, I mean really. I'm not trying to pick a fight. And maybe I stuck my nose where it doesn't belong but the whole lesser half thing really bothers me.
That's okay. The board bullies put me in my place about a month ago for my audacity. :lol:
Though I do have to say, I find it really odd how many people think they need to comment. I've never even considered voicing an opinion on something like this unless I was asked...

theHiredMansWife said:
BTW, why did you answer a question that was NOT directed at you?
Because we're on a public message board and that's how they operate?
Usually if someone has a conversation they wish to carry in private, they go to private messages.

Nobody asked me, but since this is a "public message board", I guess I'll spout off anyway. HMW, it seems like you are talking out of both sides of your mouth. On one side, you condemn people like cert and me because we don't like the way you "put down" your husband. You find it really odd that we need to comment, but as far as we are concerned you degrade him every time you call him your "lesser half". You do it on this public forum, but chastise us because we comment.

And then from the other side of your mouth, when a question is directed at another person, you answer it and justify doing so "because we're on a public message board and that's how they operate". :???: :?
Faster horses said:
Nicely put, Soapweed!

The "lesser half" bothers me too. If one says it often enough, even though it might be in jest, soon it is believable. That's how our minds work.

THAT is so very, very true, FH. Believable into eventually losing respect for your "lesser" half.
I'm glad somebody finally commented on this "lesser half" thing. It was really starting to stick in my craw (sp). I always refer to my man as my "better half". Kind of makes you wonder if she calls him that in public, too, while he's with her.
Shelly said:
I'm glad somebody finally commented on this "lesser half" thing. It was really starting to stick in my craw (sp). I always refer to my man as my "better half". Kind of makes you wonder if she calls him that in public, too, while he's with her.

She probably does.
This has got me to thankin, about when I refer to my hubby as Mr Lilly. I in no way intend for it to be a putdown. (Hope ya'll dont see it that way either) Just sorta happened about 6 years ago, when a group I chatted with had a get together, since he doesn't "do the chatrooms, or message boards" I'd always referred to him as "my hubby" and then when we showed up at the get together, no one knew his name, and they started callin him "Mr Lilly"

As for the "better half" thing, I think he's my "better half", and he thinks I"m his "better half", we don't often refer to each other as that, but in a way it's true. Lil things that get done for one another that make the other happy.

A friend and I were talkin the other day tho about the one thing that's missin in alotta relationships these days is the ability to laff at yourselves.
When your mad at each other, or whatever, there's a small piece to the puzzle of life, that some people just dont seem to have anymore, and I think that one small piece is the cause of alotta divorces......or relationships that don't work. If you can't laff at it after it's over with, and see the humor in it. Then it just sits and festers.....so we laff about it and move on...............
Shelly said:
I'm glad somebody finally commented on this "lesser half" thing. It was really starting to stick in my craw (sp). I always refer to my man as my "better half". Kind of makes you wonder if she calls him that in public, too, while he's with her.

She probably makes him drive while she herself sits in the back seat pretending he's her chauffeur. :wink: Home, Lesser. :)
Soapweed said:
Shelly said:
I'm glad somebody finally commented on this "lesser half" thing. It was really starting to stick in my craw (sp). I always refer to my man as my "better half". Kind of makes you wonder if she calls him that in public, too, while he's with her.

She probably makes him drive while she herself sits in the back seat pretending he's her chauffeur. :wink: Home, Lesser. :)

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Okay, Cool Ones (R2 and Kolanuraven), what do you honestly think of calling someone your "lesser half"? R2, you supposedly had an ideal relationship with your husband. Would you ever call him your "lesser half" even as a joke, much less all the time on a world-wide message board? Kolanuraven, I know nothing about your love life, but how about you, if you had a mate that you loved and respected, would you call him your "lesser half" all the time?

In my own case, I'll admit that I am Peach Blossom's lesser half, but it would plumb tick me off if she insisted on calling me that.

Even if Hired Man's Wife calls her poor husband that around home, she could still have the common decency to not do it on a public forum. That guy has to be a saint.
Not to give ya ' quick' answer....but I don't think it's anyones business what she calls her husband or he calls her.....

I never really invested that much time into " their" names for each other. If he's OK with it.....fine.

I never 'read' anything into it or from it to be honest...I just read her posts for what they were.

They've lived with it for years now I'd bet....and they're still married.
'Nuff said.

I had the REAL Bonifide text book version of a " lesser half" for years...to be honest....less half would have been an improvement over what I did call him!!!!
reader (the Second) said:
What's with the ganging up on someone that people seem to like here in Political Bull?

Can't you see it's ugly? It's one thing for one person to have an opinion and another thing for a bunch of you to all jump in and denigrate someone in a group. Smacks of herd mentality which you should understand and of currying favor by being publicly mean to another person. Reminds me of that movie "Mean Girls."

Also, once again, just because someone writes some words here does not mean you know them or know their hearts or understand the relationships that they have with their families.

It's a free country, IMHO I think calling my spouse "my lesser half" is degrading to him, we "meanies" apparently think the same way, otherwise it wouldn't seem like such a gang up. R2, get tough.
my FORMER husband called me his "lesser half" to everyone who would listen...unlike HMW, he was dead serious!! anything to cut me down and keep me there!!! After 7 years of this (and other, more serious offenses), I got the hell outta there and found someone who thinks of me as his equal.....even if I think of him as my savior!! Sorry, but "lesser half" has just always brought back some ugly memories!! :cry:
It's just so ..... demeaning (sp?)! What does that do to one's self-esteem? But, if he's okay with it, well fine. Personally, I couldn't and wouldn't stand for it!

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