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Steve said:
I think the poor should get Medicare and the elderly should get Medicaid.. why we give bums better care then Grandma is beyond me..

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Yes Steve that's it let's just assume that everyone on Medicaid is a bum. :roll: The Medicaid program services children all over the country. Why in the world would you want them not to have the best care possible. It isn't a child's problem that their parents for whatever reason can't provide medical coverage for them. :mad:
CattleArmy said:
Steve said:
passin thru wrote:


Then why not seek employment with them?? you seem to want the benefit but also your career and lifestyle..

if you took employment with a firm that had coverage, you would have to be offered coverage by law.. .. in other words a career choice/change could get you coverage.. might I recommend the post office..

:roll: :roll:

would you move here for low cost health care..?
Nope. I want the health care I pay for......the one that federal and state employees have.......I am even willing to pay the same premiums

You want health care you can afford..................I want a LEXUS
Let's say you and Kola have the same ins and you have claims her rates will go up to cover your losses.............so in all reality she is paying your bills. Surely you see that. The ins co sure is not gonna dig it out of their pockets and kindness of their hearts to pay the bills.

Sorry you ain't gonna get health care you can afford. The only way you are gonna get it is to have someone else pay for it or do like Steve says.....get a job with coverage.
I do not understand how you can expect or take money from others for protection,education and drought checks....but you cant keep your fellow man healthy...really you can say Canada's care is not great..I could care less because I know different.....We dont have town dances or sell raffle tickets or donate money to friends to pay for thier medical bills.....we pay collectively as country....How many of you have giving away money through personal fund raisers or just a kind jesture....The last thing a sick person needs is have to take a handout from friends and strangers at a cumminty hall or a bank support account.....We do not get free care here we have premuims to pay here too...the cost is just not breaking up familes of crippling peoples chance at a healthy life....I will never understand how some of you will cash a drought check but cry when someone looks for help with the difference from living or dying or keeping thier child home from the doc because it cost to much ..... :mad:
You have a problem, you can pay for the procedures yourself. No one said you can't. If you run out of money there is Medicaid. I really hate that you are in the position...........but if you look at it you are really wanting to have someone pay for your healthcare. One note, a few states have a program that was instituted for people who could not get ins. If I get time I might search and see what I come up with.
I am not going to judge people, but many transfer their assets in order to qualify for Medicaid[/quote]

That post of yours is one that I am going to print off and show to anyone who wants to know what a selfish self-centered neo-con is. Someday you or somebody you love might be in the position Goodpasture is in now. Then maybe you will change your tune.
CattleArmy said:
Steve said:
I think the poor should get Medicare and the elderly should get Medicaid.. why we give bums better care then Grandma is beyond me..

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Yes Steve that's it let's just assume that everyone on Medicaid is a bum. :roll: The Medicaid program services children all over the country. Why in the world would you want them not to have the best care possible. It isn't a child's problem that their parents for whatever reason can't provide medical coverage for them. :mad:

You can change the subject and add in children.. but why should Grandma have to give up everything to get the best care possible, while a non working adult (bum) gets Medicaid?

These distracters are why the liberals argue until nothing gets done.. they can't face facts so they say it's for the children.. the children have Schip.. Medicaid and many state programs with needs based funding.. yet as soon as a person makes a point they can't argue they cry what about the children?

Why should adults that don't work (bums) get Medicaid.. just because they have children? and the elderly are forced to give up life times worth of work to have Medicaid..
Here's the problem fellas if a person is in bad health shape do you forsee the post office or any other company hiring someone that will need time off?

I already addressed that point.. and you either missed it or ignored it.. :roll: :roll:

Why is every ones problem when the person failed to get affordable coverage when they were healthy?

this has happened to alot of people who are past the good health paying in stage and are on the bad health getting stage.

we make choices.. and we should accept responsibility for them..

most government jobs can't discriminate if your able to do the job.. and if qualified they will hire you..

I was able to get hired at the post office with extensive disabilities resulting from my military service..

I could have found a better paying job.. or not gotten additional coverage. I could have moved out west like I wanted.. but that meant giving up some of the coverage and not getting my wife the care she deserved....I made choices that benefited my family..

why don't you want to make choices.. you could join the military.. move to a city to get a good job with benefits.. ?

or is it just okey to force others to pay more so you can have cheap affordable health care?
I do not understand how you can expect or take money from others for protection,education and drought checks..

You are eligible for this new disaster aid if:

Your county was declared a disaster area by the President or Secretary of Agriculture for disasters occurring between January 1, 2005 and December 31, 2007 (livestock).

* You experienced a loss of 35 percent or greater. (crops)

* You had crop insurance or coverage under the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP). (crops)
Steve said:
I do not understand how you can expect or take money from others for protection,education and drought checks..

You are eligible for this new disaster aid if:

Your county was declared a disaster area by the President or Secretary of Agriculture for disasters occurring between January 1, 2005 and December 31, 2007 (livestock).

* You experienced a loss of 35 percent or greater. (crops)

* You had crop insurance or coverage under the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program (NAP). (crops)

Why should the goverment bail you out if you loss 35% or greater,why should peoples tax dollars go to your crop loss but not to a sick childs tonsils?......Its a goverment handout Steve plain and simple....Why not tell these farmers just to go get a different job instead of getting help from the tax payers..

PS ..I wrote this too,along with what you quoted but you again just picked out what you thought you could dispute ...

I do not understand how you can expect or take money from others for protection,education and drought checks....but you cant keep your fellow man healthy...really you can say Canada's care is not great..I could care less because I know different.....We dont have town dances or sell raffle tickets or donate money to friends to pay for thier medical bills.....we pay collectively as country....How many of you have giving away money through personal fund raisers or just a kind jesture....The last thing a sick person needs is have to take a handout from friends and strangers at a cumminty hall or a bank support account.....We do not get free care here we have premuims to pay here too...the cost is just not breaking up familes of crippling peoples chance at a healthy life....I will never understand how some of you will cash a drought check but cry when someone looks for help with the difference from living or dying or keeping thier child home from the doc because it cost to much .....
nonothing said:
I do not understand how you can expect or take money from others for protection,education and drought checks....but you cant keep your fellow man healthy...I will never understand how some of you will cash a drought check but cry when someone looks for help with the difference from living or dying or keeping thier child home from the doc because it cost to much ..... :mad:

I agree drought checks and assistence through the USDA are welfare (something bad has happened such as a drought and the govenrment is stepping in to help) programs also. Ask my father about these programs and he just shakes his head and says "I'm going up to get my welfare check."

It's free money from the government. It's welfare like it or not. I guess if we are gonna take away free health care for children without insurance then we as agriculture producers should be willing to give up all government subsidy and money or feed offered during times of disaster.
Steve said:
CattleArmy said:
Steve said:
I think the poor should get Medicare and the elderly should get Medicaid.. why we give bums better care then Grandma is beyond me..

:roll: :roll: :roll:

Yes Steve that's it let's just assume that everyone on Medicaid is a bum. :roll: The Medicaid program services children all over the country. Why in the world would you want them not to have the best care possible. It isn't a child's problem that their parents for whatever reason can't provide medical coverage for them. :mad:

You can change the subject and add in children.. but why should Grandma have to give up everything to get the best care possible, while a non working adult (bum) gets Medicaid?

These distracters are why the liberals argue until nothing gets done.. they can't face facts so they say it's for the children.. the children have Schip.. Medicaid and many state programs with needs based funding.. yet as soon as a person makes a point they can't argue they cry what about the children?

I can face facts Steve. The cost of health insurance in the states is to high and it keeps rising. The fact is somebody better step in and try and get the country out of the health care mess we are in. Insurance premiums are rising and the average American finds them more difficult to afford. So Steve what happens when all of us agriculture producers involved in the food production for this country can no longer afford the insurance that is mantatory for responsible producers to keep their assets safe (the very assets we rely on to operate our operations) have to go to get town jobs? Then what? You make it seem so simple.

Why should adults that don't work (bums) get Medicaid.. just because they have children? and the elderly are forced to give up life times worth of work to have Medicaid..

Steve parents of children on medicaid don't get the medicaid coverage.

And the elderly having to give up a lifetime of work to have medicaid most of the time in all reality there is some one standing in the back letting Grandma sign everything over so they don't lose the ranch or farm. After all the average person would hate for Grandma to lose the place for something as "silly" as health care or the old folks home when in reality where grandma is going she's not gonna need the farm or ranch it's the beneficiaries.
Something will have to be done...PERIOD...Health Care and Health Care Insurance Reform Needs to be Done NOW!!! Should be a bipartisan goal....And it may take having one party in strong control (both the White House and Congress-which I normally don't agree with)....Bush had the chance-but then forgot his promise to the people the minute he got elected....

Democrats will almost certainly control the next Congress- and have a good shot at the White House- so may get it done (even with McCain)....

Its going to take both Health Care cost reform and Health Care Insurance reform-- which includes tort reform and jury/judge liability damage caps (Hell to get when all Legislators are attorneys)...

And its going to take a mandated insurance that covers ALL so that we who are now paying for health insurance don't have to pay all the costs of those that have none- or can't get it- after they have serious problems from no preventative care...

The two biggest inflation factors in the US right now that have caused years of earnings stagnation and now stagflation, are fuel costs and health care/insurance costs...
That post of yours is one that I am going to print off and show to anyone who wants to know what a selfish self-centered neo-con is. Someday you or somebody you love might be in the position Goodpasture is in now. Then maybe you will change your tune.

bullhauler................I am going to print off your post and show people that there are some in this old world that wants some else to pay their bills. Oh and for your information I am in a very similar situation as GP. I just don't expect you to pay my bills.
passin thru said:
That post of yours is one that I am going to print off and show to anyone who wants to know what a selfish self-centered neo-con is. Someday you or somebody you love might be in the position Goodpasture is in now. Then maybe you will change your tune.

bullhauler................I am going to print off your post and show people that there are some in this old world that wants some else to pay their bills. Oh and for your information I am in a very similar situation as GP. I just don't expect you to pay my bills.

Looks to me like Bullhauler can see thru the Bull**** of all this neocon "compassionate conservatism".... :wink: :lol:
another is if you took employment with a firm that had coverage, you would have to be offered coverage by law.. .. in other words a career choice/change could get you coverage.. might I recommend the post office..

Now if that isn't the dumbest neocon reply I've ever heard :shock: :roll: :wink: :lol:

We all work for the Post Office- and no one else does any of the other jobs :roll: :wink: :lol: No wonder the neocon Repubs spent 6 years controlling D.C. and did nothing except blow money down the drain building the biggest bureaucracy in history-- It was GW's "work for the guvment" health care plan :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: :( ...
Looks to me like Bullhauler can see thru the Bull**** of all this neocon "compassionate conservatism"....

Care to add some more banter that has no bearing on the situation.

I am handling my health care concerns...........so what's your problem. Are libs the only ones that need help with their health care.
passin thru said:
Looks to me like Bullhauler can see thru the Bull**** of all this neocon "compassionate conservatism"....

Care to add some more banter that has no bearing on the situation.

I am handling my health care concerns...........so what's your problem. Are libs the only ones that need help with their health care.

Tell me how passing gas-- Are you independently wealthy and able to pay for your own- or do you buy your own insurance? Or is it provided thru work?

What if you are diagnosed with cancer tomorrow-or someone in your family that requires years of surgery and extended care....Are you wealthy enough to pay ALL costs once your insurance is maxed out- and you are dropped? Because you won't be able to get insurance from anywhere else...

I know of babys born with serious medical problems that were covered with insurance- that maxed out their coverage the first year of life- and still had costs which bankrupt their parents...Whats the neocon answere to do with them- a gunny sack and some rocks :???:

I think that is something most don't realize- most these policies have a "lifetime Max" and its about the time you start getting to the age where all these illness's hit you that it is quite possible to max out with just one major illness....Kind of hard then to start a new career and "Get a job with the Post Office" :roll: :wink:

Then your choice is to sell everything you have to pay the costs- until you are bankrupt -even if it means the ranch (if you're a rancher)- and then after you have nothing, you are eligible for SSI assistance and Medicaid... :shock: :(
Tell me how passing gas

I didn't read anymore than that.................it showed me that you do not want to discuss anything.............just throw around your petty drivel
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